Chapter Eight;

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"Kenna, what is wrong? Why are you breathing so hard?"

"Alaina is a bastard!"

"What?" Lola and Greer turned to look at Kenna with a look of bewilderment visible on their faces.

"How is that possible? Like Elizabeth?" Mary led Kenna to a chair so that she could sit down and poured her a drink. "How did you find this out?"

"She told me, of course," replied Kenna before sipping from the goblet Mary handed her.

"Of course," said both Greer and Lola together as they looked at one another.

"Sorry, I ran over here as soon as I could," she said, placing down the goblet. "Alaina has just left for a ride with Natalie. And she said that the reason Lizzie does not like her father is because of her sister."

"She has a sister? Good God, there's two of them?"

"Oh no, they are nothing alike," said Kenna with a smile. "Jane is more like Claude. I do not doubt the two being friends."

"How did the topic of her being a bastard come up anyway?" Lola asked, her brows knitted together as she leaned forward. "Did you ask?"

"No, of course not... well not directly. You see I made the comment that I rather liked lady Jane and Alaina said that I could tend to her while she was visiting at court until lady Anne disapproved of it."

"Lady Anne?"

"Alaina's head lady, she's quite scary actually."

"Why would she be against you looking after Alaina's sister? Unless she knows something and would spill without a single care..."

"As I was saying, Alaina assigned me to look after Lizzie tomorrow and I mentioned bringing Bash along, but she told me that even though he'd love to, Lizzie would be against it. She then explained to me that Bash was never there for Lizzie as much as Francis was and that because her sister hates bastards, she convinced Lizzie to hate them too. Of course, unless they can offer her a title like her mother."

"And who exactly has Alaina put in charge of looking at her sister?" Mary stopped pacing about the room and returned to Kenna's side.

"Maria and Jane, of course. They're the youngest and much more fun than the other two are."

"You get along with them, then?"

"Of course, why do you ask Mary?"

"Alaina's sister knows something, something that Anne is doing well to keep you from finding out. What could it be?"

"Oh, I have been meaning to ask, but who is Edward?"

"Edward?" Lola looked from Kenna to Mary, confused. "Where did you hear that name?"

"Well, when Jane arrived, she asked about Francis and mentioned she had not seen him since the death of Edward. I never did ask Alaina, it slipped my mind really. Oh! And I almost forgot! Francis came to visit her shortly before I arrived. He seemed angry, actually."

"Francis? Did you find out what he was there for?"

"Well no, she just said he came to discuss things."

"Perhaps we're just making a big deal out of nothing," said Greer finally.

"Greer is right," Kenna looked up at a Mary. "If Alaina had anything to hide, why would she be quick to share things like that with me?"

"I'm starting to think it's not Alaina who has something to hide," said Mary with a quick glance from the floor to her ladies. "It's Francis."


"I was hoping to find you out here."

"Yes, well you've found me," replied Alaina as she looked up from her book to spy Sebastian dismounting his horse. "Is there news or do you just wish to conversate?"

"A little of both, I suppose," he nodded his head toward Natalie who sat with her back against a tree. "Aren't you ladies freezing?"

"Quite use to it actually," Alaina returned her attention back to the book she was reading. "It's Natalie who is freezing."

Natalie looked up from her embroidery, "In Italy, the weather is much warmer."

"Yes, I can image so. Would you like my cloak?"

"No, with my majesty's permission, I shall return back to the castle." Alaina rolled over to look at Natalie before nodding her head.

"Alone?" Bash sat down on the thick blanket Alaina had placed on the ground to avoid the snow seeping through her dress and soaking it. "Is that wise?"

"She is my lady, Sebastian," Alaina sat up, closing her book and tossing it to the side. "Do you expect anything less of them?"

He stared at her for a moment before his lips curved up into a smile. "But I thought she was new."

"She's a fast learner. I would trust her on the field at my side before I would Maria or Jane."

"I'm quite curious to know as to why you've brought them and not your other two ladies," Bash said as he stared into her eyes. "I'd also like to know what prompted this sudden visit. You have not returned to France since Edward."

Alaina looked away, "Sebastian?"


"Am I a terrible mother? For putting my countries first, before my own children?" she asked him.

"Alaina," Bash sighed softly as he reached out to pull her close to him. "You wanted the best for your children and for your people. And no matter how much you wished to have been there for Edward, how were you to stop a war in time?"

"Do you think he forgives me? For never being there for him?" she adjusted herself so that she rested comfortably in his embrace.

"I think he'd be a fool not to," he replied softly in her ear before pressing his lips to the top of her head. "You are a great ruler, and your children love you no matter what."

"I have often thought about it," her voice was much quieter than before. "Maybe God does not wish me to have any boys."

Sebastian's grip on her grew tighter, "Enough Alaina, no more of this, I beg you."

"Very well," she rested her head against his shoulder. "I suppose there are other matters, such as your wife."

"What of my wife?"

"She is one of my ladies now, a gift from Mary."

"I was not aware she was something for Mary to give willingly."

Alaina lifted her head so that she could look up at him. "It's all your fault, you know?" she told him with a smile visible on her lips.

"Is that so?" he asked as he looked down, his eyes landing on her lips.

"Yes, it is indeed so," she replied. "Had you been careful in what you were saying, Mary would not have grown suspicious enough to turn your wife into a spy, and Francis would not be crossed with me."

"Why is Francis upset with you?"

"Why do you think?" Alaina pulled away from Bash so that she could look at him more clearly. "Not even Anne knows, Sebastian. Just you, Francis, and I."

He reached out for her again, pulling her close to his chest and hugging her. "And that is how it will remain," he whispered as he kissed the top of her head. "I promise, no one will find out the truth."

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