Chapter 5

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It was mid June, and it was Cori's last week to make her decision on Rutgers. Jane had been trying her hardest to get Cori to go with her, but now she had Nick's help. Cori and Nick had been texting and having late night Skype dates ever since they got off the cruise 2 weeks ago.

"Cori, please please please come with me to Rutgers!" Jane begged for the 20th time that day.

"I don't know, Jane. What if it's not the right fit for me and I regret it for the rest of my life," Cori explained.

"Yeah, well what if it's the best decision of your life and you regret not going for the rest of your life," Jane argued back. "And Nick is there. I know that you want a relationship with him, and the only way that that's going to happen is if you Rutgers."

"I've only known Nick for 2 weeks. It could end badly, and we could never talk again."

"Will you stop thinking negatively! You'll never know until you go. And you're seriously going to make me go to college hundreds of miles away without you? How could you do that to me?"

"Okay, fine! I'll go with you," Cori said as Jane hugged her tight. "I'm going to call Nick and tell him the news."

"Nick, I have something really important to tell you," Cori said trying to sound sad as he answered the Skype the call.

"What's wrong, baby boo," Nick asked, clearly concerned with what she had to say.

"I'm...I've...I don't really know how to say it," Cori said as continued on with her act.

"Just say it, please." Nick asked a bit desperately.

"I'm going to Rutgers!" Cori said excitedly. Nick's face immediately went form a concerned on to one that resembled a little kid in a candy shop.

"Are you serious?!?"

"Of course I am!" Cori said laughing at his excitement.

"We're actually going to be together at Rutgers! I can't believe it!"

"Yeah, neither can I, but that's not for another 2 months," Cori said sadly.

"Well maybe you and Jane could come up here for a weekend or something. Adam and I can take you for a tour around campus," Nick suggested.

"I don't know maybe. I definitely want to though."

"I mean, if you guys want, you could spend a week up here and Jersey and maybe we could go out to the city or something."

"Can this please happen?"

"Anything for you, princess," Nick said with a wink.

The two talked for a couple hours until Nick had to go meet his friends at Dunkin Donuts. Cori talked to Jane about the trip. They were eventually able to convince their parents to let them go and planned to take a bus to Rutgers.

Two weeks passed, and the bus had just stopped at the Rutgers campus. The butterflies in Cori's stomach went crazy as she made her way down the steps of the bus. She caught sight of the twins who were waiting for their arrival beside the bus stop. Nick was wearing a printed white t-shirt and khakis with a snapback. Adam's outfit would've been identical, but his shirt was black. As soon as she could, Cori dropped her bags and ran into Nick's open arms. Nick spun her around, just like he did on the beach.

"Wow I ship them so hard," Adam said as Jane walked next to him and they looked at the happy couple.

"Yeah, they might actually be perfect for each other," Jane said with a smile. "So, you're Adam."

"And you're Jane," Adam said with a smirk. "It's nice that this will actually give us an opportunity to actually get to know each other."

"Yeah, I guess it does," Jane said smiling at the boy. Adam offered to take her bags and the pair blushed as their hands accidently brushed. The two girls and the twins were definitely in for an interesting week.

Author's Note

So this is the 2nd chapter of the day we promised :) Just so that we know that people are actually enjoying the story, we'll be starting a new thing. We're trying to get 5 votes before our new update on Monday.

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