F i f t e e n

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I wake up and put in a pink dress and French braid my hair and lay it on the side. I hear a knock on my door I walk over and open it

What's up I say

Hey where are you going Jacob asked

Hanging out at blakes house I say

Ohh I was hoping if you wanted to go to the mall with .....me Jacob said

Ohh I can't I have plans with Hunter I'm sorry bud and I waved goodbye and left the house I was so exited to see Blake we haven't talked in years and I really miss him everything has changed and I just want to be as close as we used to be

I arrive at his house he opens the door with a huge smile and I hug him tight as possible but something was off he didn't hug me back and I backed up this is my girlfriend Ariel
No she's the whole slut if the school I touch ( no personal hate towards Ariel I love her so much it's just a story )
I can feel my self falling down I smile as hard as possible and I turn to the door crying at this point I don't know what was happening but it hit me

I just lost my best friend

Hunters point of view

I knew Katherine was lying because I was going to hang out with Jacob at he mall also we were all going to meet up something was up I told Jacob that I couldn't hang out today because I had to babysit Ashton I lied and called Tessa if she wanted to hang out and have a picnic she was down

Katherine's point of view

I run as fast as I could knowing he wasn't coming after me and went to the park I missed hunter I felt him real close I could feel his presence

I hear his voice I say Hun.. I stop myself , he's with A girl Tessa! I could already feel the tears falling my shoes were stained with my tears I'm weak I can't move or tell I can't do anything I'm in total shock I cry and run I sob and he turns he looks at me for a second but turns back you could still hear them but then something that made my stomach sick happened

"Isn't that Katherine the girl you bullied you should continue she obviously didn't learn her lesson" Tessa said

I cried harder and he ran after me I could hear his loud stomping and him telling me to stop

Why was I so in love with him if he bullied me I should hate him for what he has done to me but it was time to quit the love act and start playing games like he is ....

Bullied by Hunter RowlandWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt