Chapter 32

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A/N: I'm so sorry for how long this took but here is long chapter with nothing but cute stuff.

*Saturday, September 19, 2015 in Kauai, Hawaii*

The couple was sleeping naked again, well more like Lauren was sleeping and Ally was admiring her girlfriend sleep. It hadn't been long since Ally had woken up but she decided to not move just so she can watch Lauren sleep on her. Since it had been awhile in where Lauren laid down and sleep on Ally's chest, Ally decided to let Lauren sleep. Ally caressed Lauren's cheek with her fingers, sometimes running her fingers through Lauren's hair. Ally pulled back when she saw Lauren start to move and scrunch her nose.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Ally said as Lauren opened her eyes and Ally watched her carefully.

"Morning to you too." Lauren said, her raspy voice filling Ally's ears.

"Are you hungry baby?" Lauren asked as her head still remained in Ally's chest.

"Yeah. Can't do much with you sleeping on me, not that I actually mind though." Ally said letting out a chuckle while Lauren was smoothly running her hand on Ally's stomach. Lauren got up, grabbing the blanket that was being used to cover her and Ally.

"Are just going to leave me here with no blanket?" Ally asked as she watched Lauren smile and walk away from their bedroom.

"I am naked!" Lauren shouted from the kitchen as she started to order room service.      

"So am I!" Ally answered as she crossed her arms and waited for Lauren to get back to her. When Lauren did, she laid on top of Ally and the blanket covered Lauren's entire body.

"Better?" Lauren asked in a baby voice as she lifted her head, the blanket covering the Cuban's head.

"Fucking cute." Ally mumble as Lauren settle her head down in Ally's neck, burning it there.

"I ordered breakfast by the way. Have to feed my lady and my baby."

"Okay." Ally said and bit her bottom lip, holding back her moans as Lauren found herself getting busy on Ally's neck.

"I hope you don't mind a few hickeys here and there." Lauren mumble, her hot breath hitting Ally's skin.

"I don't. It has been awhile since you have left any anyways." Ally said still biting her bottom lip as Lauren went back to sucking on the girl's skin.

"Don't hold them back baby. Let them out, they are extremely hot." Lauren said as she had looked up to see Ally holding her moans back by biting her lip.

"Fuck baby girl." Ally moaned after Lauren had spoken, like the green eyed girl had given her permission to do so. A few small moans left Ally's mouth as Lauren's hand traveled to Ally's breast, softly massaging one of them while her mouth was still attached to Ally's neck. There was a knock on the door causing Lauren to stop her movements and pulled back from Ally's neck.

"Saved by the bell." Lauren said planting a kiss to Ally's collarbones before getting up this time leaving the blanket behind. Ally watched Lauren as the girl grabbed a robe from the closet and put it on. While Ally waited for Lauren to get back, she wrapped the blanket around herself.

"Babe, come on. I set the table for us." Lauren said appearing on the doorway with a smile on her face while Ally remained with her arms crossed and a serious face.

"What's wrong baby?" Lauren asked as she studied Ally's face expressions as to why her girlfriend was being so serious out of a sudden. Lauren walked towards the bed and sat at the end of it.

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