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  The boat came to a stop at Pallet Town. "I'm so glad you decided to come back to Kanto with me, Ash!" exclaimed Lillie, delightedly.
"Heh-hah, me too! It's gonna be really nice to finally see mom again! Mr. Mime and Professor Oak too!" Ash replied with excitement. The couple, along with Nebby and Pikachu, eagerly grabbed their belongings and disembarked the ship. This all seemed very familiar to Ash, the way the greenery swayed in the breeze, the faint squawk of Pidgey, rustling in the trees. Ash felt right at home, though something was missing but he wasn't quite sure what. "It's no Alola, but this place is really nice, I wonder where the nearest library is..." vocalized Lillie, excusing that she had only just arrived and not yet found a place to stay. "You're getting ahead of yourself, let's go and see my mom, maybe she will let you crash for a while."

  Ash stepped along the white stone path, leading to his door. He knocked, nervous to see his mom's expression, for she had not known he was coming to visit. The door opened, "MIME! MIME!", Mr. Mime jumped up and down in excitement, Pikachu wandered in.
"Who is it, Mimey?" echoed a voice down the halls, Ash's mom wandered to the door,
"Ash! What a surprise! Oh my!" she caressed her son and hugged tight,
"Hehe, nice to see you too mom!" Ash giggled. Delia noticed the attention of a young girl stood beside him,
"Oh, Ashy! Did you finally get a girlfriend!?" she squealed.
"Oh, no mom" Ash brushed off, nervously, "This is Lillie, we just got back from Alola. It's is her first time in Pallet Town, her first time in Kanto really. I was wondering if she could possibly stay here for a while, with me, with you, of course." Ash asked, unsure of his mom's response.
"Of course dear! Any friend of my son's a friend of mine and welcome to stay for however long they want! Come in, both of you! Make yourself at home!" Ash gladly hugged his mom once again and headed up stairs, Lillie followed. "Why don't you go say hi to Professor Oak while I prepare dinner?" Delia continued.
  "Your mom seems great, please make sure she knows how much I appreciate it for letting me stay here." Lillie said thankfully while unzipping her bag, releasing Nebby.
"Yeah, she really is, and I will, don't worry. I just wish she'd stop going on about me getting a girlfriend." he uttered, "But I'm not brave enough to tell her the truth."
"What truth?" Lillie asked with curiosity,
"It doesn't matter" Ash twisted a doorknob, "You can stay in this room, my room's across the hall, but right now we better go and see Professor Oak and let him know we're in Kanto." They stumbled down the stairs, Pikachu introduced Nebby to Mr. Mime as they were getting reacquainted.
"Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes, why don't you ask Oak if he'd like to join us?" Delia suggested as Ash left, with Lillie following.

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