You Guys Wanna Be Heroes?

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You Guys Wanna Be Heroes?

James grabbed Peter 'round the back of the neck of his jumper and yanked him up from the bed. Lily looked stunned as James tugged Peter up with him toward the door, "Hang on, love we'll be right back, let me sort this one out real fast, find out what he wants --" and he quickly hauled Pete into the hallway and promptly slammed him into the wall. "You absolute arsehole," he hissed, getting into Peter's face, "You bloody stupid absolute arsehole, what the hell are you doing out here?"

"My wrist! James! It hurt! I - I was alone - in the dorm -- and these burns -- burns on my arm -- they showed - all right and bright like coals! And - And I had - it was the -- where the ropes were and -- I - I'm scared - James, I -- think he's calling me -- and --"

"You bloody git!" James said through gritted teeth, "You're lucky I've forgotten my wand in there with Evans or I'd zap your arse full of rat poison! Have you any mind of what you've just interrupted me at? I finally was gettin' on well with Evans - and she was about to say yes to goin' out with me and then you - you fat little rat! - you have to come bursting in and --"

"James! Please!!! I'm so scared!!"

"And what else is new? You're always scared! Always scared of everything! I swear to Godric, Peter, you're probably scared of your own shadow!"

"I'm not! James! Please!" Peter was near to tears.

James turned away, frustrated. He wasn't really angry with Peter, he was angry with everything, angry with the situation, angry that now, by the time he got back in there, with or without Peter, Lily was going to have come up with some petty little excuse not to go out with him. Something Snape probably said to her, more than like, and she'd laugh off what happened and it would be all over. "Fuck Snape - fuck him!" James said, tears burning his eyes, suddenly overcome by the frustration of how hard Severus Snape had made making his dreams of being close with Lily Evans. No matter how hard he tried, Severus Snape and his stupid lies always got in the way.


James kicked the rail of the stairs so hard he actually broke one of the rungs and his toe smarted and he groaned and grabbed at his trainer.

Peter was panting, leaning against the wall, whimpering pathetically, his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he whined. Pathetic Peter Pettigrew, James thought, and he felt bad instantly. Both for thinking it and for the things he'd said and he sighed. "I'm sorry Wormtail," he said heavily, "I'm just upset."

Peter clutched his wrist, still whimpering.

"Bleedin' hell, Pete, stop it," James pleaded, "I didn't mean none of it, really..." he turned and tried to pull Peter into a bit of an apologetic hug, but Peter scrambled away.

"No you don't get to say those things about me and be forgiven because you sighed and said sorry!" Peter cried. He stared at James, lower lip quivering, "You all treat me like rubbish and leave me behind all of the time and you yell at me and call me names - call me fat and call me a coward and I don't like it! I'm supposed to be your friend!"

"You are one of my friends!"

Peter trembled as he stared at James. "One of your friends," he said, "Just one of the many people fawning after you..."

"Was that a pun, mate?"

Peter shook his head, "No."

"I think it was."

"No, it wasn't."

A smile was crawling over James's lips, trying to calm Peter down... "C'mon Pete. You said fawning to a stag! That's funny!"

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