Chapter 31

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Ashton's POV

"Ending this once and for all"

Mel says pulling out of my hold and speeding downstairs like she's on fricking fire!

"Ending what?" I mutters clearly confused.

What the fuck is Melody planning on ending. Shit...

She can't mean...

Alec's POV

I bite down on the neck of a rogue who stupidly thought nothing would happen to him if he stepped on my territory. Then I sink my canines deeper into this neck. I hear him howl in pain. Then I snapped his neck killing him instantly.

I threw the life-less body out of my mouth. Then the dead person in front of me shifts back into human form. Dead obviously.

All my pack members old enough to fight are currently out on the battlefield fighting for their families, their mates, loved ones and their Luna.

My pack and I have been fighting since last night. No one has had any rest. But these rogues are not as strong as they make themselves out to be.

I've given Kayden complete control of me since I can't focus on anything. My main focus is Melody and no matter how many times I tell myself I'm doing this for her I... It's like I can't focus mentally or physically without her near me.

I was struggling to think straight so I gave him control knowing that he would do what was needed to be done.

The sun came up almost two hours ago and we're still fighting. Like I said we've been fighting since last night but no one has seen any sign of their leader. Thinking about him makes me growl.

A small tan wolf tries to jump onto my back and sink his canines into my neck but he fails. Because my beta, Matt jumps and crashes into him. Knocking him into a tree, and the small tan wolf lay there unconscious.

I nod a Matt and he howls in response.


Three hours have gone by and my pack is still under attack. There is no sign of the rogue leader. Little coward probably didn't bother showing but, got people to do his dirty work for him.

I thank the moon goddess that my pack is currently winning. But then again that could change at any second.

Just then almost eight hundred more rogues wolves join the fight. The rogues all leaded by one rogue in particular.

I brown wolf was a scar over his eye. Surprisingly the wolf is average size, he looks smaller that me. But his fir is beyond covered on craw marks.

We make eye contact and a loud menacing growl escapes my mouth

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We make eye contact and a loud menacing growl escapes my mouth. He gives me a wolfiesh smirk in return. Making me glare at him. I send him daggers as if challenging him to continue with this.

Him and I circle each other. We're basically having a stare down. We circle each other looking for any sign of weakness.

Then I noticed how he hides his left paw.

"Looks like we found a weakness on him already." says Kayden with a wolfiesh grin.

"Don't get to cocky the tables might turn."

"Buzz kill"

Kayden rolls his eyes.

All around me my pack is fighting. Harder than earlier. We're using more strength and we are all starting to get tired. The rogues almost out number us.

But I won't let my pack fall. I notice multiple warriors and pack members snapping rogues necks without hesitation.

All you see is red. Not because your angry red. No. Red-blood shed over every once of brown soil over the once green tree shrubs. And the land filled with lifeless bodies of those who are now gone. I noticed that I know almost none of the men laying around in the red metallic substance. Meaning so far we have had little deaths.

I bring my attention back to the filthy rogue in front of me. He extends his cannines threatening me. I snarl so should I say Kayd snarls in return not liking that I'm-we're getting no respect.

No matter what I'm still an Alpha. Dumb rogue. Do u honestly think you have what it takes to kill an Alpha. Let's see...

We continue to walking in circles. Circling each other. This goes on for almost ten minutes much to my dismay.

They he-the brown wolf lunges at me and tries to attack but I use my right paw to scratch him in his already scared eye. His wolf strumbles back in shock of what I've just done then he looks up to the sky and howls. It's not a powerful howl or a calling for help it's a howl filled with pain.

Then he turns to me and snarls. I mentally smirk. Looks like I know how to piss you off. Great.

He continues to lunge at me and I just dodge his every move. It's almost like he thought he could come here and I would go easy on him. Like I have trained my entire life. It seems as though he didn't even train for this battle. His probably only the brains behind the situation.

He keeps growling in frustration because I easily dodge his every move.

Just then two wolves cone running past me blocking my view of the bastard in front of me who is after my mate.

The damn bastard decides to take advantage of this and lunges at me. Landing on my back. Bringing me down to the floor. But then at that very moment I hear the most powerful howl ever. It hold power and strength as well as grace if that's even possible.

In the brink of an eye the wolf is no long on top of me but laying on the ground in pain. The same thing that got the rogue off of me stares down at me. Like its telling me to get up and I do.

Then together we howl threatening anyone to come near us.



I want to dedicate this chapter to a good friend of mine @Qailz19 because it was her birthday on Thursday!!!

Guys my editing sucks so if any mistakes bother you please tell me so that I can fix them.

I hope everyone is good and thanks for staying with me on this long journey of writing TAFM. For the patience you guys have waiting for updates. For voting on the chapters. You guys are seriously awesome!



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