Chapter 4 - He's back..

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Your P.O.V


Only time could tell how long I've been walking. I can't distinguish if  what I'm feeling is physical exhaustion or the painful feeling of constant rejection and hate bombarding the very core of my being. Is this my fate? Is this the destiny I was given ever since I was born? Why? Why? Why!? Why is this world unfair to me?!.. All I wanted was just someone! Someone who I could go back to! Why was I even born?! This is probably the reason why my parents left me, because they think I am a nuisance. . .

I kept walking. . . and walking. . . and walking. I don't even know where my feet is taking me. I'm tired. I'm not only physically and emotionally drained, but I'm broken. I can't even cry of how painful I'm feeling anymore. I'm empty. . . . . . An empty vessel.

I looked up to the sky to see the sun set while I kept walking. The sunset was beautiful. There are still some things that stay beautiful even in my miserable and obnoxious life of mine. It was already dark, but I still kept walking.

"Who knew that loneliness could be this-" I paused to realize that I was crying again. I thought that I couldn't cry anymore.

The clouds in the sky started to gather and soon after, the rain began to pour. The rain poured heavier. . . and heavier.
My clothes were drenched in the rain, but why do I care? It's not like my life would become better if I took shelter from the rain.

I walked upon an alley and sat there. Though I could care less, I was freezing cold from the rain. I'll be glad if I die right now. I just want to end this miserable life of mine. I was starting to think that this life I have was not worth fighting for.

I sat there in silence. All I could hear was raindrops falling into the ground. Not until I heard footsteps. I could clearly hear them approaching me. I lift my head up to see him. I saw a person looking directly at me. He had an eye patch. The realization of who this person was hit me.

"H-Ha-" I couldn't speak properly for I was shivering.

"Hello, (Y/N)" as he patted my head.

It was Hades. He is the last person I wanted to see in my life. After all the things he and the guild did, I left the guild and that's how I ended up with Fairy Tail. I thought I could start anew with Fairy Tail, but my ties to Grimoire Heart is preventing that. Hence, Fairy Tail rejected me since Grimoire Heart is one their arch enemies.

I was still in a state of shock as I see Hades. I thought Fairy Tail took care of him. Hades was smiling while he kept patting my head. His mood suddenly change and the smile turned into an evil grin. If he was patting me awhile ago, now he is grabbing my hair.

"Do you really think-" he paused and threw me opposite to the wall where I was sitting. "You could escape from me?" he added.

My body won't move, let alone move my mouth and talk. Fear was sipping into my body as I look at Hades' eyes. I was trembling in fear. He kept the evil grin until he used dark magic to hit me again. I began to spit blood.

"I won't let you die easily. I will have you do my deeds." As he picked up my almost lifeless body. He started chanting words as a dark light engulfed my body. My body felt like it was burning. I screamed in agony as I felt my body melting.

"Ahhh!" I kept screaming.

The melting sensation stopped and I felt power surging through me. My appearance changed. My hair became white and my eyes changed as well. My left eye having a bright red color, while the other having a light yellow color to it. The other change that I noticed was memories. I felt like something was missing. I shrugged the feeling and looked at Master Hades.

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