Chapter 31

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"Common Ry, everyone's going to the pool!" Rydel exclaimed. I shook my head slightly, tightening my grip on the wadded up ends of my sleeves. 

"Can I have a rain check? Not really in the mood.." I mumbled, pulling my knees to my chest as I lounged on the chair in the room. 

"I guess so.. I'll tell the guys you're asleep." She told me with a half smile. I nodded thankfully and watched her leave. She was strutting in the bikini she needed my help to pick out. "See ya," she called as door automatically pulled shut behind her. It had been three weeks since Christmas with the Lynch's distant family. Gus is probably the only distant family member I consider a friends... Everyone else sorta looked past me, even the Lynches. I was lucky if Riker remembered me for a split second. It didn't bother me that much. I knew this would happen from day one. Even the great families lose interest in the orphan after a while. 

It was a shock to me when Mark and Stormie decided to stay in Littleton after we were set to leave. Stormie's mother came down with something and they didn't want to leave her like that. Thankfully Riker is a trustworthy-ish adult... even if he doesn't always act like one. The shows have been great, not that I have attended any of them. The incident with the fans in the bathroom gave me major anxiety. Since I don't really leave the bus, I've had no reason to cut the past few days. 

After staring at the wall for a while my phone started ringing. I was shocked to see Quinn's picture pop up. We hadn't spoken recently due to her being in school and the time zone changes. 

"Heeyyy Ry!" Quin greeted as soon as I answered. "You aren't gonna believe this!" She bursted.

"What?" I questioned, preparing myself for the gossip session. 

"Kyle got suspended for three weeks!" She exclaimed.

"No way! What did he do?" I gasped. 

"He punched Jake Morris in the chest and broke four of his ribs!" 

"No way!" I yelped, entertained by the gossip, "four, seriously? Scrawny Kyle broke four ribs?"

"I know what you're thinking, but he started lifting weights! After Webber left he needed to defend himself." She explained. By now I was in the classic teen on the phone pose on the bed. 

"That's hard to believe," I joked. She laughed, agreeing with me. 

"I miss you," she mumbled after a second of silence, "school isn't the same without you." 

"I miss you too, I'd much rather be there than here." I reminded her. We both sighed at the same time. 

"When's it over?" 

"Four months left," I told her. I heard Quinn's mom yell up to her. 

"Gotta go, mom needs me to walk Tucker," she told me. My mind flashed to her golden retriever dog. 

"Okay, have fun, give him a kiss for me!" 

"Okay, Bae, miss you!"

"TTYL!" I smiled.

"Ttyl," she repeated. We both hung up, and I sighed dramatically letting my phone fall from my hand, onto the plush bed. I got Rydel's laptop from the nightstand and went on Skype. I knew Webber was off school for the day now. I clicked his name, and the video call button. It rang a few times before I saw his face on my screen.

"Ry! Hey," He grinned. I returned the smile.

"Hey! How are you?" I asked.

"Pretty good," he exclaimed, "how about you?" 

"I've bee-" I heard a girl giggle from Webber's end. I felt sadness fill within me. He already moved on? It wasn't a childish giggle like his sister do. "been good..." I mumbled slightly. 

"That's great! How's tour life treating you?" He questioned, his smile melting my heart. 

"Honestly? It sucks." I told him, he frowned slightly.

"Sorry to hear that, Ry, I wish I could hug you right now..." Webber mumbled, his eyes filled with sadness- much like my heart after hearing the girl in his bedroom.

"Awe, Web, you're so cute!" the female voice called. 

"Destiny, shut up! Go annoy Weston!" Webber rolled his eyes. 

"Sorry about that," Webber apologized after we heard a door close, "my cousin's can't seem to mind their own business." After hearing him say she was his cousin, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest. 

"What's so bad about tour? Now that there are no annoying family members on this end." Webber laughed. 

"None here either, they all went to the pool..." I mumbled, "it's just hard, Mark and Stormie stayed in Littleton Colorado. The Lynch kids are always too busy for me, they often forget I'm here."

"Aw" Webber sighed sadly. 

"No to mention my not so nice interaction with some R5 fans..." I sighed, avoiding eye contact.

"What happened with the fans?" Webber asked protectively. I always loved that about him. 

"They just kinda cornered me in the bathroom and called me names," I explained, itching nervously at my scabbed cuts. 

"I wish you didn't have to go through that..." Webber frowned. 

"Meh, what's done is done..." I reminded him. "Anyways, enough about my super exciting life, what about yours? New house, new school, new friends?" 

"House is great, extra bedrooms if you ever decide to visit," Webber hinted cheekily, "school is okay, no where near as fun without you. Met a couple nice people... well mostly everyone here is nice. Very sarcastic though- Quinn would fit in." He laughed. I laughed at him mentioning Quinn. 

"Sounds nice," I smiled. 

"It's okay, I guess. I'd like to go back to California though, it's my home. It's where my friends are, where my beautiful girlfriend lives..." I blushed at his comment. 

"Ex-girlfriend," I mumbled sadly.

"Only due to distance, you're still my girl," he exclaimed. I'm so happy I have great friends like Quinn and Webber- and now Gus too. Webber sighed and stayed silent for a second, "the one thing this place needs is some action. Nothing ever happens!" 

"Should I tell you stories I hear from Quinn about our school?"

"Um YES! What's new with Kyle?" Webber spat Kyle's name with venom. 

"Only a suspension!" I yelled.

"Tell. Me. More."

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