The Last Village

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It would only be a few hours until the last village came into view. As Kakashi had expected village 5 had proven to be a torturous journey. They had lost more than a week making their way to the village because of so many difficulties. First it was the wagon the village had sent breaking a wheel not even half way to their destination forcing his team to repair it the best they could, next one of the village escorts was badly injured after falling from a tree while scouting the route, and lastly was the heavy rains that made travel nearly impossible.

With the sun moving higher in the sky Kakashi could not wait to be inside the village walls. He feared all these bad omens would amount to something catastrophic, something this team was not ready to handle.


Iruka had just arrived in the academy, walking its familiar halls he paused in front of a doorway to a classroom. Looking around the room as if what he wished to see would simply appear.

I hope you're okay Yuki. I miss you so much. Iruka frowned and moved away from the door entering his classroom. It had been almost two months since Yuki had left the village and he had not heard one word from her. Obviously he did not think she would reach back out to him, but somewhere in his mind he secretly hoped for it. He fought with himself daily about going to her and begging her to return, but in the end he never left his home.

What could I say to her? She made it quite clear how she felt about me. Iruka pulled out his work and tried to focus, trying to block out everything that had happened. He looked towards the window, maybe one of these days I'll get the courage to go to you.

"Iruka sensei" Iruka snapped his head from the window to his doorway "The Hokage has returned and wishes to speak with you."

Iruka's face contorted into sheer terror, does he know what happened?!

"I will report straight away" The man nodded and left

Iruka stood slowly, Kakashi has been with the Hokage this entire time, what if he told the Hokage the real reason Yuki left the village?

Making his way through the streets to the Hokage's office Iruka began to panic about what he could say regarding the situation. There was no way around it, Iruka was completely involved in what happened and he should be punished as well as Kakashi. He stopped in front of the building and took a deep breath before entering, I will accept my fate.

He was shown into the Hokage's office and stood on shaky legs waiting for the Hokage to address him.

"Please have a seat Iruka" The Hokage's tone very serious.

Iruka swore his heartbeat was echoing off the walls as he sat in front of the Hokage. Silence fell as he stared at Iruka, he's waiting for me to confess.

"How has the village operated since my absence?" Iruka tried to calm himself before he answered

"Well, Hokage-sama. It's been very quiet and I have been sure to keep the mission desk organized with all the notes you have sent back." Iruka was gripping the sides of the chair intensively as he answered, When is he going to ask me?

"That is good news to hear. This situation has been a troublesome problem, but I feel we may have finally come to the end." The Hokage leaned back and studied Iruka before continuing "Has Yuki returned yet? She had requested to remain at her parent's home to honor their memory, but that was more than two months ago. I want to make sure she is well just in case I may need to send her out to assist Kakashi"

Iruka felt his face grow pale, he must not know what happened or he's testing me.

"Iruka? Are you feeling well?" The Hokage leaned forward examining Iruka

"Yes, I'm sorry. Yuki has not returned yet" Iruka could feel the sweat building up behind his headband threatening to pour down his face

"Well," The Hokage paused thinking "you must go check on her. This may be a very difficult time for her. Please let her know she can take as much time as she needs to work through this matter. I feel Kakashi will be able to end this mission alone, he and his team should be making their way to the last village today. They should be returning in a few days, if they can avoid all the setbacks they encountered"

Iruka thought he might faint, after all his failed attempts of going to see Yuki he was now being order to go. I cannot refuse an order, but I wish I had more time to prepare.

"Is there anything else you need to report?" The Hokage asked as papers were being brought to him

"No Hokage-sama. I will be sure to check on Yuki after I have completed my day at the academy." Iruka rose as the Hokage nodded for him to leave.


The day ended much sooner than Iruka thought it would, but when you're dreading what happens when the day ends of course it will move fast. Iruka made his way slowly to the gates of the village and began his journey to Yuki's home.

The walk there may have been quiet on the outside, but on the inside Iruka could not stop the chaos that was ensuing in his mind.

What if she won't talk to me? What if she does? Should I have brought something with me? What if she's not alone?

Who knew a simple home visit would be such an ordeal. If the Hokage only knew how hard this was going to be. Iruka continued to walk and think of what he could say to make things go as smoothly as possible.

The farm slowly came into view and the house with it. It was almost silent as he approached the door and paused. The worst of every outcome was rushing into his mind as Iruka's head fell trying to regain control. Lifting his hand sluggishly he knocked three times, maybe she won't be home.

Without a sound the door opened gently and there stood Yuki in the doorway. She eyed Iruka suspiciously, waiting for him to say something.

As Iruka moved closer to the door he could see Yuki was not well. Before he could say anything her eyes closed and she fell forward into his arms.


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