016. caught [marauders]

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✧ warnings: sexual themes ✧

r e m u s
✧ y'all had decided that the floor would be much more thrilling then his dorm bed
✧ so you were currently riding him into the stone floors in his shared dorm room
✧ and this bitch is loud asf so you had to keep a hand clamped down over his mouth
✧ i guess he had forgotten to give his roommates something to keep them occupied
✧ because they came pounding down the door only a few minutes later annoyed asf
✧ which made y'all annoyed
✧ which led to a big piss fit between y'all as you still sat on top of Remus with your hands covering your boobs

j a m e s
✧ y'all were fucking for like the fourth time that week
✧ and after a bad day he was being rougher than usual
✧ so when remus and sirius waltzed in he was not in the mood to take time to deal with them
✧ and he just kept on thrusting into you as you tried to hide yourself bc ngl it was embarrassing asf
✧ james pretty much just yelled at them to get out and was not dealing with their [joking] pleads to stay

s i r i u s
✧ you were showering in the dorms and sirius just kinda popped in
✧ you at first weren't in the mood but with a little convincing you were soon riding him into the tile floor
✧ you'd almost forgot that your roommates would be back soon until you heard them walk into the bedroom
✧ and you fucking s l a m m e d your hand onto this boys mouth
✧ but they'd already heard you
✧ and sirius didn't care and kept moving his hips bc he was so damn close


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