Chapter LXXXI

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I was sitting at the kitchen table next to my dad. Jake was off running and Billy had made up some excuse for going over to Sue's. Basically, I was left at the house alone with my dad while my beef stew was cooking away.

"So Bella's tying the knot," I began, trying not to look at him. I knew that this wasn't something that he was happy about. But Edward should've been man enough to ask for her hand first... right?

"She already told me that you knew," he said with a sigh.

"I just wish that you would've given me a warning. Sisterly loyalty isn't going to protect me from a heart attack." Of course Bella would tell him that I already knew. That was probably Alice's or Edward's idea. That way, I couldn't act like I was shocked.

"I'm proud of you for agreeing to be a bridesmaid," he added. I shoved away from the table as lightly as I could, avoiding giving my anger away.

How could she do this to me? Did she just not care? Actually, this was probably all just some ploy to get to talk to Jake again. And damn did she know how to manipulate. There was no way that Jake was going to let me go to their home for the wedding unless he was there to make sure that no leeches could get to me.

"Although I'm not sure how I feel about seeing you and Jake together at a wedding," Dad said, talking to my back. I stared down at the stew, remembering all the times that Sarah and I had made it together. "It seems like yesterday that you two were running naked around the house." He laughed and then his face fell. "I don't want to see any of that, okay?"

"Dad," I laughed. "The last thing that we would do is run naked around the house," I promised him. There were other things that we would do, but not when he or Billy were around. No, Jake had the right idea. We could get away for that. I was turning into the worst kind of teenager. Jake and I still talked and hung out, but now that we had started things, I wanted more. And I wasn't talking about just sex. I liked it just as much when he would hold my hand or kiss my hair. I was turning into one of the mushy gushy teen girls who was addicted to being around her boyfriend. However, the rules were still in place. Jake and I were a strict no PDA couple when there were other people around.

Billy's wheelchair rolled loudly up the ramp. Dad pushed himself away from the table and went to hold the door open for Billy. As soon as he was in the house, I turned to look over at him. He nodded at me, silently telling me that Jake was coming back.

"He's outside." I nodded again.

"Don't let it burn guys," I said, sprinting out the door and coming to rest on the porch swing. Jake was pacing just beyond the tree line in his wolf form. He was pretty torn up that Bella was getting married. I wanted to say that I wasn't upset, but he was taking it so hard. And for someone that apparently didn't care about my sister, it didn't make sense as to why he was so pissed. I curled my knees up so that I could rest my chin on them and looked over at his form.

His head snapped in my direction. He turned back and probably phased out before sprinting to the porch. He paced by the railings and growled angrily.

"I can't believe that we all have to sit by and watch him marry a human. Is marriage between a woman and a monster even legal?"

"Calm down, Jake."

"You almost died; I almost died. All to save her and she doesn't even care. What does she want to do with him?"

"Jake, calm down," I repeated.

"Is she seriously considering marrying this guy? As soon as he has a ring on her finger, he's just going to suck her dry."

"He can't do that, Jake; it would go against the treaty." He growled at me. "I mean, if you'd rather work this out on your own, I can just head on back to Forks with my dad." I pushed myself off the swing, not willing to deal with his shit. He snarled and wrapped his arms around my waist, tossing me back against the wooden pillar of the house.

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