The Escape

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"Hey Beautiful." He said coolly.

Some say that coincidences can never happen too many times. It's a coincidence when you and your friend are listening to the same song. It's a coincidence when you come home and you are having your favorite food for dinner. Meeting someone the day before and seeing them randomly again can be a coincidence, or it could mean one of you are stalking one another.

"Hey? What are you doing here?" I'm sure my face showed shock. I mean I just don't see this type of guy being in an ice cream parlor.

"Well, my little sister insisted I bring her here." I looked around to see if I saw a girl standing nearby. "She's in the bathroom." I nodded understandingly.

 How am I supposed to tell which twin this is? I slowly ran over his features and closely looked at his face. I noticed a tiny little brown beauty mark on his neck. He wore a purple t-shirt, and some dark jeans. Well he did call me beautiful...That's what Stephen called me when I was leaving, I thought. I smiled triumphantly, glad that I figured everything out. "So where's the other you?" I laughed.

"He's at the garage..." He trailed off. "Do you know who I am?" He asked amused.

"Yes! You are...Stephen." I almost said in a question but kept my confidence. I thought I got his name wrong because his face turned into a sulk and he looked at me intensely. Oh no! Maybe this was Matt. "I'm sorry-," Then all of a sudden a smile spread across his face.

            "I'm joking! Relax." He joked. I chuckled and looked around the wall that was separating me from where the guys were. Most of them already had their refreshments and were looking around. Probably for me...damn. "You looking for someone?" I shook my head and ducked.

            "More like hiding. Over there that's my brother and his friends. They are so damn frustrating I just need to hide out!" I whisper-shouted.

            "If you want to ditch them..." Stephen said suggestively. I thought about the idea. Hmm... what's the harm in going? I get away from the guys, and I have an adventure! Then again I don't know this guy like that. I turned and looked around the wall again; the guys were headed over. Without thinking, I grabbed Stephen's arm and dragged him out of the other side door. We ran into the parking lot, and I heard a chorus of yelling. I didn't look back though! I followed Stephen to a car and jumped in. "Drive! Drive!" I yelled, laughing uncontrollably. "That was perfect! I wish I could have seen the look on their faces! That was the perfect escape." I smiled.

            "Oh my-gosh! Wait! We left your sister!" I shouted. This caused Stephen to laugh really loud. "Why are you laughing!?"

            "I-I," He tried to catch his breath. "I don't have a sister. I just told you that so you wouldn't ask questions." He shrugged. I looked at him shocked. Well then...

We drove down different streets and around different corners. My phone is ringing off the hook right now, so I just turned it off. Eric is going to kill me when I get home. "So, where are we headed?" I asked. He took his eyes of the road briefly and turned to look at me.

            "The garage." He said simply. I nodded and looked out the window.

After about five minutes, we pulled in at the building I had first met the twins. He slowed down the car and did two long beeps on the horn. After he turned off the car he opened his door and got out. I took that as cue for me to do the same. When I closed the door to the car I saw two guys approaching us. I stood quietly behind Stephen.

            "Hey! Where have you been?" A guy shouted-he was still walking to us.

            "I had a little run-in." Stephen mused as he glanced at me and winked. When the two finally reached us, I recognized one of them as Matt. I smiled at him and waved slightly.

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