P h o t o #8 - Food Always Finds The Floors

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P h o t o #8 - Food Always Finds The Floors

"Voila!" Kayla exclaimed, wildly gesturing to the whole platter of slightly overcooked food that filled up every inch of space on the large dining room table.

I had already foreseen such events happening. As soon as she had started cooking a half an hour earlier, she promptly told us to go wait in the living room, where the five of us sat in, you guessed it, heavy awkward silence. Cooper and I had decided to put Kae back in her crib since she was fast asleep the entire time we had her with us. And now we're back in the living room, being crushed under the heavy atmosphere. I was about to ask what had everyone in such a bad mood, until Cooper butted in and turned on the TV. So we all just sat there as Cooper flipped threw channels until deciding on watching, again, you guessed it, Spongebob. Cooper is such a little kid sometimes. (Not saying that I hated Spongebob...).

Elliot stared down at the unappealing food. "And you're expecting us to eat all of this?"

"I do." Kayla crossed her arms over her chest. She eyeballed the food she had cooked, then huffed and threw her arms down. "Come on, guys! I've improved, you have to admit, right?"

"Um..." Parker stepped up and inspected the food, then scribbled something into his binder. "That would be a no."

Jonas stifled a snort as we all continually stood and stared at the interesting spread in front of us. I didn't know what to do. Was I supposed to be kind and eat it? Or was I supposed to kindly decline? I didn't know what I was expected to do at all, that is, until Kayla spoke up again.

While I was having another mental conversation with myself, she had stomped over and gotten into the four boys' faces. "Real men would eat whatever a lady cooked for them. Without complaining." She folded her arms over her chest defiantly and glared daggers at the four she was addressing.

"Who said you were a lady?" Elliot muttered under his breath.

Kayla became furious. "What did you say?!" She screeched, only to let it go a moment later. It seemed she had gotten some sort of wicked idea, as a sly smile threatened to take over her face. She walked back over to the platter of food she had slaved over the oven making. "Fine, if you won't eat it, I'll just have to force you."

"What-?" Elliot began to reply, only to be graciously cut off by getting a piece of what looked like an all-too-black pie thrown into his face.

Silence swallowed the kitchen. I took a quick glance at the four boys, shocked expressions engulfed their attractive features. Even Parker was wide-eyed, his usual actions during any given time being writing in his black book or not paying attention to the other boy's antics, was now put to a halt. My gaze drifted over to Kayla, who was trying hard as she held in a laugh and even mischievously seemed ready to fire more food in their direction if deemed necessary. Finally, my eyes fell on Elliot, who stood as still as a statue as he took in everything around him. He had yet to move a single a muscle.

Kayla walked over to Elliot. "How do you like that, clean-freak?"

Elliot twitched at her insult. Clean-freak. Of course, I had quickly figured out he was a clean-freak soon after I was forced into whatever relationship we have now. Though, I never anticipated this happening when we agreed to humor Kayla in her cooking. I just didn't know how he would react to a blow like that.

"Cl-Cl-Cl-Cle-Clea-!" Elliot began to stutter in rage. In a flash he was able to scrape off as much pie filling and crust as he could off of his face and whipped it right back in Kayla's direction. "CLEAN-FREAK?! What's wrong with liking things a bit tidy?!"

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