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Jackie was laying upside down on her bed. Somer noticed and asked her what's wrong. "Do you think Deigo likes me?" Asked Jackie. "Noooooo." Said Somer. "You dont?" "Of course I do! You guys are like relationship goald." "How we aren't even dating." "But you need to. You guys like each other." "Mabey, but what about you and Andrew?" "What about us?" "Don't you guys like each other?" "He likes me but I don't like him." "Why not?" "I don't fall in love with people." "Why not?" "I don't know I just dont. But anyways, I think you should go for it." Said Somer.


"I'm soooo comfused." Said Jamiah. "Why?" Asked Liyah. "I'm don't know who I like. I'm with Troy but I don't know if I like Mario." Said Jamiah. "Well, the pros and cons for  both of them." Said Liyah. "Well for Troy, the pros are he's cute, funny, nice, and athletic...and when we kiss it feels like magic. The pros for Mario is he is also cute, funny, he's like a gentleman and he treated me like a queen...and when me and him use to kiss...I felt like we were the only people in the world. That nothing bad would happen. That...he was the missing peice to my heart." Said Jamiah. Liyah's mouth hung wide open. "Do you still like him?" Asked Liyah. "I...I don't know." Said Jamiah. "I think you do." Said Liyah. "But im with Troy." Said Jamiah. "I don't care about Troy. Dump him and get back with Mario!" Said Liyah. "I don't want to be hurt again." Said Jamiah. "He likes you though." Said Liyah. "Ughhhhhhh! Stupid feelings. Why do I still like him?" "Because your always looking at him." "So? I look at everybody." "But you look at him with those good eyes and that smile." "I do that to Troy not him." Liyah shook her head. "Omg...I still like Mario!" Said Jamiah.


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