Interview, Meetings, and Accidental Magic

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I'm contemplating smut for this chapter. idk. we'll see what happens.


Harry and Draco woke up earlier than usual, and started breakfast. Draco cooked it since Harry cooked dinner, and they waited for Andromeda to come downstairs. It was 7, and Harry usually picked Teddy up at around 7:30.

Andromeda finally came downstairs, and the three ate breakfast together, and read the newspaper.

"Looks like people are excited to see what kind of store we're opening." Draco commented, while reading from the Daily Prophet.

"I really like that they refined the Daily Prophet. Not as many people are buying the tabloid magazine, so at least our lives are a little more private." Harry said. Draco cleared the table, and Harry headed up stairs to get Teddy.

Harry slowly opened the door, and closed it. He crept over to the crib, and looked down at Teddy. Since his focus wasn't on his appearance, Harry noticed his light brown hair, and slightly darker complexion. Harry opened the big curtains, and picked him up. Teddy yawned, and rubbed his eyes. Harry laughed at Teddy's half blue, half brown hair.

"Let's get you all dressed for the day." Harry said happily, trying to wake him up more. Harry sat Teddy on the changing table, and rumaged through the drawers for his clothes. Harry took his pajamas off, changed his diaper, and then changed him into his day clothes. Harry dressed him in some loose navy blue pants, and a plaid tee shirt. Teddy was finally fully awake, and his complexion lightened, and his hair became fully blue. He giggled, and held onto Harry as they walked down stairs to the kitchen.

Teddy squealed when he saw Draco, and started to make grabby hands at him. Harry handed him to Draco, while he got his breakfast ready.

"Harry. If you're okay with it, I recently started to cook him some scrambled eggs, and give that to him. It's soft enough, and it's introducing him to more adult food. He likes it a lot." Andromeda told Harry. Harry placed the baby food away, and scrambled one egg.

"As long as he eats it, I'm fine with making it." Harry said. It only took a moment to cook it, and Harry cooled it down for Teddy. He gave him little bites, and Teddy loved it. 

Once breakfast was completely over, Harry cleaned his mouth up a little, and gave him a sippy cup of orange juice.

"I set the play pen in your library-parlor area since there was a lot of room there. That way he's close while you're changing or having a shower. You can always move it if you don't like the placement." Andromeda informed them.

"Thank you, that's perfect. Today we are just going to visit the store to finalize the lists, so I think I'll bring Teddy. It should only take an hour or so. Then we were going to visit some old friends." Draco thanked her.

"If you want, I can take care of Teddy while you're out. It's not like I have anything to do now-a-days." Andromeda suggested to the two. Harry looked to Draco and nodded.

"That would be lovely. Hopefully everything will calm down when the store opens, but we would appreciate you watching over him." Harry said. Harry and Draco headed to their room to get dressed to go out to town. Andromeda brought Teddy to the parlor, and played around with him, and read books to him.

Harry dressed in some black jeans with a burgundy tee shirt, and some black boots. Draco wore some grey joggers with a black tee shirt, and some kind of black flat shoe. Harry got it for him as a present awhile ago, but Draco never knew the brand. Must be muggle. Harry tied his hair into a neat bun, and Draco did his normal curls, and flatened his slightly overgrown undercut.

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