Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I was right when I knew the next day I would feel all the emotions I had bottled up the day before. I was sad, angry, depressed, and lonely. I know that I have Silas and even Randal around whenever I want to talk to someone, but all my life I has always had another sibling - younger since I have only met one of my three older brothers and that was yesterday, well technically a few days ago, but whatever - running around me and asking to play or telling me to get out of there way, or something. I've never felt so alone before, and no amount of cuddling with their things is helping me.

"Sorenson, you need to eat something, not eating isn't going to help your brother." Silas said as he tried once again to get me to leave the warm and safe area of the bed.

"I know that Silas, I'm just not hungry, I'll probably just throw it up if I tried to eat anything." I whined as I threw my arms up in the air. Every few minutes he comes into the room and tells me I need to eat. I don't have a private with him constantly coming in, but I feel bed everytime I see the way his face falls when I tell him I don't want anything to eat and that I would throw up.

"I talked to Tait and Miles again, they said the should be home by dinner, would you be willing to eat then?" It was a low blow that he was using my two eldest brothers to get me to eat, but when I could see the desperation splayed a crossed his face and etched into his eyes, I knew I could suck it up for him so I wouldn't have to ever see that face again.

"Sure, I bet I'll be hungry by then, I probably eat more then you. Plus I don't want to miss the chance of meeting my oldest brothers, I probably won't have much of a chance after then with everything going on." I tease as I smile up at my handsome mate. It's times like these, when we are just staring at eachother, I realize how lucky I am to have Silas as my mate. I thought I would end up all alone doing whatever my parents wanted, following every command like I was taught, lie how omega's are taught.

I still can't believe the difference from my old pack to this one. I thought it would be the same, except for the segregation of the omegas, but I was wrong.

Silas let's all pack memebers be a part of the training. Women, omega's and men alike are all arellowed to train, and I personally think that is a good idea, because what would happen if the pack was able to get past the defences and make it to the females, untrained females. They would most likely all be killed.

I wish I had more fighting, so I would have been able to stay and fight the elves who had taken my little brothers. I wish I had the strength to be the omega that the pack needs, but I don't.

Because at the end of the day I will always be just Sorenson. The lonely omega who has no training, no family, and a future that is going no where.

At least, that's what I thought before I met Silas, now, I'm not so sure what my future will entail, I know I have a family, and soon, I'll have the training I need.

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