how to cheer up an emo

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 This chapter is dedicated to heartattack509 which I wanted to be dedicated a long time ago  and a shout out for majesticangels thanks for sparing your time reading this story and for your comment! that actually made my heart jumped when I saw your comment because I didn't know that many are already reading my story :D anyways, allen is just an extra character, no big role, but this new character will change everything! and has the real BIG role for this story..


Just like in the werewolf movies that I used to watch.. when the girl that is heartbroken and is depressed she usually cries under the moon, but the most ironic part is.. I'm the one in the current situation..

I sobbed as I shed the tears falling uncontrollably in my cheeks.

why? why did my life turn upside down, does life can't get tired messing up my feelings, just when I was so determined into one thing, that's worth more than my life, I didn't know that one failure will torn my built foundation of determination in the dream that I've wanted the most.

my heart hurts like hell, I crouch and cry louder, my wolf is howling inside feeling the same pain I'm into, I hate everything..I hate my failure, not because my ego is too high, but loosing into something that you wanted the most will break your heart more than he break mine..

[play the song in the side--->]

I let the tears fall in my cheeks and my gorgeous gown before turned into a tattered and dirty red one, just when I'm crouching as I sobbed my body suddenly been soaked, and then I've realized that it's raining.

can life become more dramatic?

I hicked stopping my tears because I'm afraid it will be swollen tomorrow, I started to walk slowly as my teeth shuddered in coldness, I walk in the highway hoping there'll be cars so i can get home, My home not his.

I've looked in my watch good thing it's water proof, then I saw that It's already 2am, I didn't know if my clock has magic or I'm over dramatic because tears started to breakdown again.

I cried louder for many things..failure..hurt...coldness..loneliness..

"SCREW YOU MOON GODDESS!!! IT'S MY FIRST TIME ASKING YOU AND YET YOU DIDN'T EVEN FULFILL IT!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs and fall on the ground already in my weakest state.

I sobbed and closed my face in my legs as I toggled it.

It's not your fault..maybe it isn't the time yet.. my wolf tried to cheer me up but I could sense the feelings of hurt in her voice.

then when?!! when my life will be over that will be the beginning?! I've waited long enough!!! I shout in my wolf and she whimpered because of my tone of voice.

I run as fast as I can because I'm starting to feel numb, I squeezed my eyes tight shut as I continue to run.

you stupid eyes stop crying!!

I sobbed as pain invaded my heart..

I've reached my house, my own house, and open the door harshly as I slam it shut more harsher, I run into the stairs and threw myself in the bed as I buried myself in my pillow and cried to my sleep.


[ Monday ]

I slammed the door of my car as I made my way into the school's hallway, I could see the gaze of the humans to me, others expressed disappointment and sympathy while the others are mock, and satisfied to my pain.

I walked in the hallway as I stuffed my things in my locker, I saw brycen standing in the corner with his friends but his eyes are focused on mine, his eyes shows hurt, regret and sadness, but he quickly looked away when he realized that I've noticed him.

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