31 - Whitney

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Turns out, it wasn't so hard to ignore the gossip. Just the fact that I got to stay with Rai all day long was enough to not give a shit about what people said. That and the fact that Portia actually liked him, helped me to no end. Darren didn't talk much, and I knew why: he was still embarrassed about Portia's birthday party. Ian was relaxed about the whole thing, he talked to Rai about cars, mostly, and thanked him for helping me clean his house.

So, all was well. Sort of...

"Well, if it isn't the puta that's screwin' my man!" Nina growled, snapping my locker shut, after cheer practice.

"Get off, Nina" I sighed, gathering my stuff, but she shoved me against the locker, and her friend Mercedes was at her side, so no way to go now.

"I'll get off you when you get off my novio!" She shrieked, pushing me again.

"He's not your novio or even your friend. So, fuck you, Nina. Also, you shove me again, I'll break your nails one by one." I growled, pushing her out of my face "Which shouldn't be hard, considering they're as fake as your two-dollar wig."

"Look at her, talking shit to us!" Nina grunted, grabbing my hair, and Mercedes grabbed my hands so I couldn't get away "You think just 'cause Rai likes to fuck you, you're safe?! Think twice, pendeja, you'll never be safe. So, keep your eyes open."

She shoved me again, and this time I fell on my butt. They left, laughing. Bitches! Rai could have nicer ex-girlfriend's, or whatever she was, right? Whatever... like I was afraid of her, and not because of Rai, I didn't need him to fight my battles... sort of speak... She was just so ridiculous I didn't give a damn.

Gathering my stuff, I left the gym locker room. When I got to the parking lot, I gasped. Those bitches; they'd poked my tires! All four of them!

"Fuck!" I grunted, stomping my feet on the floor, rage filling my lungs "I'm gonna kill those pendejas!"


"Hey" I smiled, as I closed the front door of my house and met Rai on the porch, Wednesday morning.

"So what happened to your car?" He asked, frowning.

"Forget it, Rai." I sighed, and shoved my cell into my purse "Let's just go to school."

"Who did it, Whit?" He insisted.

He wasn't gonna drop it, and I knew we wouldn't go anywhere if I just didn't spill. Crap...

"Ok. Don't freak out" I begged him, my hands up in the air.

"Just tell me, 'cause you sayin' not to freak out is freakin' me out" He growled, anger was plastered on his gorgeous face.

"I think it was Nina and Mercedes." I sighed, and his frown deepened "Like I said, drop it. Let's go."

"Why do you think it was them?" He wanted to know, not moving an inch.

"It's a... huh... hunch," I said, shrugging.

"A hunch? What happened?"

"Jesus! Can we just forget this?" I growled, my fists were white.

"I told you, Whitney: don't hide anythin' from me. I'll know what happened, all I need is to make a phone call." He showed me his black cell, and I moaned "Start talkin'."

I told him about the shoving the day before, and the stupid threat.

"Look, it's nothing. Nina's just being herself. She used to threaten me and Portia all the time, so it's no big deal."

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