The One With the Mind-Talk

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Chapter 9 The One With the Mind Talk

"Yes, I suppose so." Merlin said with a laugh. 'It would actually be fun.' he thought.

'Ron, can you hear me?'

Ron jumped a bit when he heard Merlin's voice in his head. Then Merlin could see him scrunch up his face in concentration but he couldn't hear anything.

'Try to focus on your magic first. Then send it out until you can find my magic. It will create a bridge where you can send over your thoughts to me.'

Ron sat with his eyes closed and face scrunched up for a while before Merlin finally heard a voice.

'Is it working?'

'Yes, it works. Try again.'

'Does this mean I can use the Old Magic?' Ron asked happily.

'Unfortunately no, everyone with magic can talk like this as long as one of the speakers use the Old Magic. So you won't be able to start a conversation first, I have to be the one that starts them, at least until you have learned to use the Old Magic.' 'This for once is actually true.' Merlin thought. He didn't like lying to people, but they weren't ready to hear the whole truth yet. 'But say something more.' He continued.

But before Ron could respond, they heard a knock on the door and in walked Hermione.

'Hermione, what are you doing here!?'Merlin flinched when Ron practically screamed in his mind.

'Out loud, Ron.'

'Sorry mate.' Ron said and looked apologetically at him. "Hermione, what are you doing here?" He said and stood up from the floor.

"I thought I would surprise you" she said and hugged him. "Did I interrupt anything?" she said and glanced at Merlin where he was sitting on Ron's bed.

"No, not at all." Ron said. 'Do you think she was eavesdropping?'

"We were just talking about Quidditch. Ron has promised to teach me how to play." Merlin said and stood up as well. 'I don't know. She does look a bit guilty.'

"Yeah, did you know that he has never watched a Quidditch game in his life?" 'We can try and drop some hints later and see how she reacts.'

"Well, I have never actually lived in the magical community before, so is it really so surprising?" 'Yes we can do that. But we have to make sure she is unguarded when we do, or she will know what we intend to do.'


"Not everyone is so into Quidditch as you and Harry, Ron. So no, I'm not that surprised." Hermione said with a smile to Merlin.

"RON, MARCUS, HERMIONE, lunch time." They heard Ginny call outside the room before she walked in.

"Bloody hell, Ginny, you don't have to yell when you are just outside the room. You almost pierced my skull with your voice." Ron said and received a glare from Ginny.

Merlin couldn't help but snort at that, which earned him a glare of his own.

"Were they surprised?" Ginny asked Hermione.

"Very." She said and took Ginny's arm and headed out of the room.

Ron and Merlin followed quietly after, or quietly to everyone else.


After lunch Ron, Ginny and Hermione decided to teach Merlin some Quidditch. So they headed out to the garden where a temporary Quidditch field was made. What Merlin and Ron had told Hermione was true, Merlin had never watched a Quidditch game, let alone played it.

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