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Part 1/4

* Double Update *
Requested by:


Okay so let's look at the requests I got for the next chapter:
• Calum - Michael
• Harry Styles - Michael
• Jay McGuiness - Michael
• Derek Discanio - Luke
• Zayn - Luke
• Brendon Urie - Ashton
• Tristan Evans - Ashton
• Niall Horan - Ashton
• Connor Ball - Calum
• Brian Dales - Calum
• Louis Tomlinson - Calum
That's gonna be a long chapter. I would do it in CALM order but then you'd be dating your brother soooo I'm going in MLAC order instead 😂 (I'll probably still arrange the normal chapter order though)

Some teachers just need to retire. Honestly they were like walking corpses who just sucked the souls from their teenage students all day long. You were honestly convinced that your math teacher was a zombie. That was a whole different issue though, your real problem was your social studies teacher. Because that dude wasn't a zombie, he was a demon. You knew because he made your life a living Hell. You dreaded your social studies hour because of him.

He would glare at you and constantly watch you to make sure you were doing what was assigned. He'd grade down your essays and papers, giving you the lowest grade possible. (Which was definitely an ethics violation by the way.)

You told Calum all of this but your brother actually liked that teacher, and the teacher had liked him, so he didn't believe you. That of course made everything worse because he wouldn't let you transfer out of the class for a new teacher.


"Have a good day at school Y/N," Calum said as you headed out the door to go to the bus stop.

"You too," you said absentmindedly. Your brother gave you a weird look while you pulled the door shut. What was that for? You thought back through your sentence. Calum didn't have school anymore. In fact he dropped out early. Lucky bastard.

Really you were already distracted because it was Tuesday. Tuesday's were lecture days in social studies class and your teacher had picked up a new, nasty habit. He used PowerPoint presentations that were set to reveal one line of information at once, starting with the title. So he would just reveal a vague title and then ask you to explain what it is.

For example, a title would be, 'WWII' or 'Expansion Of European Powers'. How were you supposed to take massive topics like those and sum them up into ten second answers? It was impossible. Then when you couldn't do it he'd say you were stupid. It was awful really.

You were hung up on it all day. It made it hard to focus in your other classes because you were dreading social studies so bad.

When you finally got all of your social studies materials from your locker and started to walk down the hallway you felt a pit of dread begin to form in your stomach. Then you saw your demonic teacher standing in the doorway watching you approach. You actually felt nauseous just by looking at his face. He was just so wrinkly, and he had a giant bald-spot in surrounded by stringy, unkept hair. His beady little eyes stared deep into your soul. He just reminded you of an evil raisin.

When you had to walk past him to actually enter the classroom you pressed yourself agains the opposite side of the doorway to be as far away as possible. You would rather cut off your arm then let it touch him.

"Good afternoon Miss Hood," he spat just as soon as you thought you were in the clear.

"AH FRICK!" You nearly fell over from surprise. You thought that he was letting you go, but no, his gravelly old man voice had scared the living daylights out of you.

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