"Im so sorry"(Bunny)

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((I got this from the episode were Kenny stabs butters with a ninja star and shit))

Butters POV

It hurts still. I lay in this bed, knowing Kenny will come in and wake me up, it'll hurt but I'll smile. Kenny, The blonde boy who tries to get in everyone's pants. I get up and slide my hand though my hair. Oh By the way I should mention. I shaved one side of my had and no I have long hair growing and my Mother and Farther wants to cut it but, I don't want them to. I wanna be myself and I am with my hair. I have dyed it lots of times, it went blue, pink, purple, yellow, blue, orange. I wanna have a mix of colours but still be able to have blonde hair showing.

Kenny slams into my room and pulls me out of bed. "Get ready you blonde fuck!" He threw me in my closet while laughing at the nickname he gave me. I Threw on some shirt and some skinny jeans. "Where's my jacket" He shrugs and i jump on the bed next to Kenny and we are facing each other.

He traces over the scar that was left from the 5th(or 4th) grade. "I'm so sorry, It slipped I didn't mean to and I should've been careful. I-Im sor-" I cut him off by, Kissing him. I pull away and Kenny dose too. "What the fuck?! Why did you do that? I-I thought we were friends oh god!" I giggle "I'm that bad of a kisser?" I ask as I get up and look for my light blue jacket I always wear. "No, To be honest your such a awesome kisser" He rants on and I go back over to him and kiss him once again he kisses back.

We make out for a bit than, my alarm goes off. I groan and Kenny picks me up and sits me down. We start to head down but, I guess the lipstick im wearing got onto Kenny cus Cartman noticed it once we got down there.

"Kinny! What the hell, Why are you wearing lipstick fag?" He looks me down and OH's "You two kissed" I roll my eyes "Correction, We fucked" Kenny said and I nodded "Its true" I agree and they all look at me and him "Your guys are gay" We nod and he kisses me and we pull away. I stick my tongue out at carman and say "I'm dating someone before Hah hah hahhah ha!" I say and the bus pulls up just before Cartman gets to say shit.

I sit in Kenny's lap and Eric is just glaring at me and him. But Kenny's enjoying me in his lap, I smile at him and we make out till we get to school and spend the rest of the day making out and fucking in random secret places.

((Fuck I'm so exited eh!))

Word count: 500

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