c. seven

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Remus was as worried as they get.

No one has seen Sawyer the whole weekend, and as it was already late into Sunday's evening, and as his worry seemed so irrational for most of the staff,  he finally came clean about who Sawyer really was.

"She's Black's daughter?" Flitwick wondered, disbelief in his voice. "Then... It's terrible! What if he's got her?"

"What if he has her?" The Ancient Runes proffesor, Bathsheda Babbling, asked in alarm, "what if she's been helping him?!"

"Watch your tongue," Remus threatened. "Don't speak of Sawyer like that."

"A werewolf and a murderer's daughter, quite a little family," she huffed, and Remus grabbed his wand, barely realizing what he's done.

The door opening stopped them from arguing any further, and soon the door opened, Snape dragging a filthy looking Sawyer and Meeko into the room, as blood stained Sawyer's robes, and her eyebrows furrowed in anger and disbelief.

"I found her."

"Sawyer!" Remus dropped his wand down to the floor in the surprise and walked to the girl. She grinned up at him, and he tried cleaning some dry blood on her cheek. "Where were you? What happened?" He tried to seem upset, but he was too glad she was pretty much safe.

"I met the centaurs in the forest." She grinned happily, "and then I went back to the werewolves, where Meeko was still waiting, and then I visited Ace and the rest of the Thestrals."

"That still makes zero sense," Remus told her. "And why is there so much blood on you?"

"Blood?" Sawyer looked down on herself, "oh, most of it isn't mine. It's mostly Bada's blood, he..." Sawyer looked up, "nevermind. It's the centaurs."

"I don't think it's a good enough story for us to believe you," Professor Babbling stated, and Sawyer frowned.

"What she's talking about?" she frowned.

"Your father broke into the castle again, and they think you've been helping him."

She laughed, "I don't meddle with silly business like that, especially with things that are already written in the stars."

"Silly?" The professor asked again, growing suspicious. "You think it's funny that your father wants to kill a student?"

"I think it's funny you still believe it," Sawyer shurgged, and Remus frowned. She knew something. "But either way, if you'd like to, I don't mind letting Professor Snape check my mind to see whether or not I'm lying. Though, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't read too much into my conversation with the Centaurs, it's between us."

"I am certain you could stop me whenever you'd feel like I'm too deep into your mind," he  drawled, and she smirked.

"Correct as ever, Professor."


Only at the next morning, the teachers (mostly Babbling) were certain that Sawyer was innocent, and only deserved cleaning the trophy room with no magic for going to the Forbidden Forest.

Sawyer yawned as she walked to the Great Hall, curling lazily between Oliver and Lee (she squeezed between forcebly). Before she even realized what happened, the two of them hugged her.

"Hey, woah, what's up?" She asked in confusion, patting their backs awkwardly. As they released her, Meeko hopped onto her lap, curling there.

"We were worried, what do you mean what for? No one's seen you for days, and Black's broke into the castle!"

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