31: Three Women and a Baby

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Hey everyone and we are back! Yay! I won't go on for too long but within the next few weeks or month, I will be making an announcement partly to do with this fanfic and it's rather exciting. Got a great storyline coming up in the next few chapters. In fact, some great chapters are coming and I'm excited to show you all.

Anyway! As always, on with the chapter!

:-{ D


Jane's eyes widened when she saw that her water's had broke. "Pamela? Could you come in here please?" Jane called out worriedly, slowly starting to panic. Ivy entered the living room. "You okay?" Ivy asked. She then saw the wet patch. Ivy rushed over to Jane who started to get upset. "It's okay, it's okay" Ivy soothed, trying to keep her calm. "Harl! Harl I need you!" Ivy shouted. Harley suddenly rushed into the living room. "What's going on? Is everything okay red?" Harley asked worriedly. "It's Jane, her waters have broke" Ivy replied as she tried to soothe Jane who were crying with fright. "She's having the baby now!? What shall I do?!" Harley exclaimed. "Get me a towel" Ivy answered. Harley ran upstairs, leaving Ivy and Jane alone. Tom entered the room and was confused at the sight. "What's going on?" Tom asked in confusion. "Jane's waters have broken, she's having the baby!" Ivy replied. "What!?" Tom replied, putting Harley's present down and going over to Jane to comfort her. Harley returned with a towel and she handed it to Ivy. Ivy folded it up and wiped the sweat from Jane's forehead. "Come on, we need to get you to the hospital" Ivy announced. Her and Tom slowly and carefully helped Jane up and made their way to the door.

Harley and Ivy helped Jane out the house. Tom closed the door and helped the two girls take Jane to the car. They all got in and strapped in. Tom turned the engine on and started to drive away from the house. "Don't worry Jane, we'll have you at the hospital soon" Ivy told Jane as the car drove towards Gotham.

They are at the hospital now. Jane and Tom were taken away almost immediately. Harley and Ivy sat down and prepared for a lengthy wait. The corridor they were sitting on was pretty quiet. Occasionally, a nurse would go by. "I can't wait to babysit!" Harley said. Ivy smiled and nodded. Ivy put her arm round Harley. "Hey red" Harley said, leaning into Ivy. "Yeah Harl?" Ivy responded. Harley then rested her head on Ivy's shoulder. "What do you think about children?" Harley asked. Ivy frowned, slightly confused. "What do you mean?" Ivy asked Harley. "Uhm, well" Harley began, fiddling with her fingers nervously. "If... If you was given a chance to be a mum... Would you?" Harley replied. Ivy thought for a few moments. "Being a mother is no easy task. It's something that will stay with you until the day you die... To be a mother, you need to be absolutely sure you want that life. You also need to be sure it is the right decision and you have someone who will support you... To stand by you and be a parent as well as you" Ivy replied.

Harley processed everything that Ivy had just said before smiling slightly. "You would make a great mum" Harley pointed out. "Yeah, so would you... But it wouldn't happen. Especially with our backgrounds" Ivy told her. Harley sighed slightly, realizing Ivy was right. "But hey, don't give up on hope baby" Ivy added, placing her head on top of Harley's and hugging her tightly. Harley smiled and nodded slightly.

A little while later, Ivy went to get herself and Harley a drink from a machine. While she did this, Ivy asked about Jane. She was told that she were doing fine. Ivy returned with two drinks. She handed Harley one of the drinks before sitting down next to her. "Thanks bay-bee" Harley replied with a big smile, taking the drink from Ivy.

"Do you reckon we'll get to see Jane's baby?" Harley asked, taking a sip of her drink. "Of course Harl, I can't wait" Ivy replied with a smile. "Me too" Harley agreed. "You know... One of the main things I love about Jane is she's never once judged us. She's known us for a long time. In fact, Jane probably knows us the most out of anyone else. She knows our past, what we've done and where we have been yet... She has never had a problem with us. Jane has always been so nice to us. Not many people would be accepting of two criminals. Especially two women that are madly in love" Ivy smiled. "Yeah... I think it's because she's gotten to know us both. Jane knows us so very well and trusts us red" Harley added. Ivy nodded. "That's one of the things I love about her" Ivy pointed out. "Me too" Harley agreed. The two girls saw a nurse walking towards them.

Harley and Ivy stood up and greeted the nurse. "How is she?" Ivy asked. "Has she had the baby?" Harley added eagerly. "She's okay girls, Jane has given birth to a beautiful healthy girl" the nurse replied with a smile. Both Harley and Ivy's faces lit up in excitement. "Can we see them? Pleaseeeee" Harley begged. "Yes of course" the nurse laughed.

Harley and Ivy slowly entered a room and found Jane and Tom. Jane laid sat up in the bed, holding her baby in her arms. Both Tom and Jane smiled as Harley and Ivy entered. "Hiya Jane" Harley said softly. Harley and Ivy stood next to the bed. Tom carefully took the baby and gently passed the baby to Ivy. Ivy held her in her arms and smiled down at the beautiful baby in her arms. Harley leaned over so she could see. "Jane... She's so adorable" Ivy said softly. Jane smiled. Harley was just smiling down at the baby in Ivy's arms. "Do ya have a name?" Harley asked. "Yeah... Pam Christopher Quinn" Jane grinned. Ivy and Harley looked at Jane. They couldn't believe it. Harley and Ivy were happy. Happy as they stared down at the life resting in Ivy's arms...


Not a very cute chapter but I hope you all liked anyway. Very interesting conversation with Harley and Ivy, aye ;)

Like I mentioned at the start of this chapter, I'll be making an announcement soon kind of regarding this fanfic. It is a little hard to explain at the moment but it'll make more sense when I let you all know. When I tell you is well, another story. It'll be soon but I have no Idea when.

Next chapter is titled "Working Gal". See you all next time!


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