Chapter 40

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*Valery's pov*

My eyes were slowly starting to shut when I feel a body jump on the lounge making my whole body slide towards their end of the couch.

"Don't fall sleep yet! We still need to watch Me Before You!" Sienna laughs as she shakes my body.

"Stop" I groan trying to push her off me, this week had been tiring and I was just happy that it was the weekend and I could sleep. But I couldn't sleep with her and Bella around trying to make my weekend miserable.

"We don't have any ice cream!" Bella yells from the kitchen. "Or tissues? Oh for god sake seriously? I'm not watching this movie without either of them." Bella groans, storming into the lounge room.

"It's like eight-thirty, the shops will be shut now." Sienna frowns looking up at Bella, not noticing that she was hogging the whole bloody couch.

"There's a small shop that's open until nine." I say and they both snap their heads to me. Looking at me with that look, that look to say how much they love me and want me to do something for them.

They want me to go to the bloody shops.

"No" I say as I flop back on the couch.

"Come on Valery, I want ice cream too!" Sienna whines.

"Why can't you guys go?" I say closing my eyes lightly.

"Because I don't know where it is and I'm afraid of the dark." Sienna says and I quickly sit up on the couch, giving her a 'are you kidding me' look. I then look up at Bella who was giving me the same look Sienna was, a pleading look. Bella was growing a cold so I knew I shouldn't let her go out in the cold.

"Okay okay I'll go" I say rolling off the couch. I needed some fresh air anyways.

"Thank you thank you!" Sienna and Bella chorus as I slid my shoes on and leave the dorm without a word.

I park across the street to the little corner shop and quickly jump out and run across the road. The shop surprisingly had a few customers and by the time I had collected the ice cream and tissues everyone was lined up to pay, me being at the back.

All of a sudden I hear a loud motorbike engine roar past the shop and then turn off. Great, a motorbike junky is coming into the shop. I try not to look like I'm watching him but I can't but to watch him as he walks into the shop, pulling his helmet off in the process and walks down one of the isles.

I quickly gasp and turn my body a little to face the other way. That can't be him, he can't be here! I'm must be imagining it.

"Ah would you move up?" the very familiar voice mumbles near my ear which makes me jump a little, letting out a little gasp. I step forward waiting for the one person in front of me to hurry up.

I couldn't think straight or move, he was right behind me and he had no idea it was me. Why was he in this town? Why does he have to be here now? Why did I have to go and buy ice cream and bloody tissues? Why can't I breathe right now!

"Is it a break up?" He mumbles behind me, a clear smirk on his lips. Not that I turned around to see but I could tell by the tone in his voice.

I shake my head knowing if I spoke he would recognise my voice.

"Are you mute or something?" This time he seems a little annoyed but the gods were on my side and I didn't have the answer as the cashier yells next.

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