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might ending this within this week if i am not busy...

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As they were in the sea, (a/n: to clear everything, the EXO boys here are human in form unlike with Shi Rin. They've got different kingdoms so that explains everything.) everyone is silent.

And when they arrived at EXO's kingdom, the king looked at Shi Rin then softened his expression. "I feel something in you lady. And I know very well, that you will do good and you'll be able to save my son." he said in a serious tone.

Shi Rin look back at him and thought about what he said. The king just nodded and so she did back. She then faced the boys.

"So .. Uhm, where should I stay for a while?" she asked and yawned.

"Oh, sorry.. It will be that way. And on the right, there's a room. You'll be staying temporarily on Luhan's room since you two live in one roof before already, right?" Kris said ambiguously.

She cleared her throat and flushed a little. The others 'hoot' on her. "Y-yah!" she hissed. They stopped but their eyes smiling with tease.

When she reached Luhan's room she scanned everywhere. She could see that his room was just like back in the surface.

"Hmm.. This place makes me miss him more." she mumbled. She decided to sit on the bed after she had enough. She sighed. Loneliness flooded her again. "Aigoooo~" she blew a raspberry.

"I really missed him! I can't take this..." she blurt out and then something glowed from the night table. (a/n: Their room is just like any human's room to make things more realistic. How this happened? Well, this is fantasy :D)

"Huh? I thought I had left this back their." she said as she reached for it. Then it glowed even more in her hands.

"Good day to you Shi Rin-ah." it spoke. She was startled and stared at the gem stone.

"I am Luhan's mother anyway. Sorry to have startled you. And as you have known, you are going to protect my son right? And to tell you honestly, you two are meant for each other since you two were young. You remember? Probably not. We, your kingdom and our kingdom back then is peaceful and got a very good relationship with each other. Despite the formation because you and your kingdom were all mermaids and we are in human form, it didn't affect. Yet we even got closer especially me and your mother. And from that time when I was pregnant with my dear Luhan, I made a promised with your mother. And she did too, because by that time also, she was pregnant, with you. We two made a promise that our child, or you two be together in the end. We had already predicted that I have a boy and your mom got a girl. All went out smoothly until when you and Luhan are 5 years old, you meet a friend. Without knowing that she is the witche's daughter. That girl fell in love with my son and so she had told her mother to be with Luhan when they grew up. The witch knew about my promise with your mom, decided to break the two kingdom apart.That's where the war between two kigndoms came and the witch tried to get Luhan away from me in the midst of the chaos but I managed to escape with him. Hence, he got to the surface and there I meet a friend who took care of him dearly. I was at ease and trusted her since I felt she's good and I wasn't wrong."

Shi Rin can't believe. "So that's the whole story of all this events? Of all that happened today?" she said.

"Yes.." Luhan's mother replied. "And about you being his saviour, is that you possessed something that can only defeat the witch. You were little and you are the only hope your Kingdom think of. Since when you were still in your mother's womb, you had already been strange and unique. And it was the key to defeat that evil witch. And the time has come where my son is in danger also."

Shi Rin nodded and caressed the stone. "I promise your Majesty to protect and return Luhan back." she said firmy.

"Shi Rin... Please be safe okay??? My time is limited I have to go. Now that everything is cleared, I am hoping for you." she said as slowly the stone lost it's brightness and return back to normal.

"Now... All of them, and lot's of people are expecting me and my ability. I hope that I can do this! Mom, Dad please be safe. I know I am not yet allowed to show up unti everything is cleared. Because you are in danger for sure." she said as she looked out the window pane.

*Everything will be fine. As long as I have my love for Luhan.* she blushed on her thoughts. "I've become cheesy since then." she commented to herself.

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