69. You Have A Boyfriend In Another Band - Calum

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Part 1/11
(which means that everyone but Luke gets 3 parts)

Requested by:
@HeyImEmily12 (?)

1) Connor Ball - Calum✔️
2) Brian Dales - Calum
3) Louis Tomlinson - Calum

Do y'all prefer me to do them in CALM order several times through, or three Calums and then three Ashtons... etc.

Alright I added a picture for visual reference if you don't know what he looks like.

"Okay Y/N, would you rather live in the Harry Potter universe or be rich and famous?" Luke asked, leaning back on the couch.

You and the boys were playing truth or dare while you waited for your boyfriend to show up. They were insistent that the two of you had been dating far too long for them to have not met him yet. It had only been three months, which most would not consider to be 'too long' but that was life with Calum you supposed. All they knew was that his name was Connor and that he was from England. What they didn't know was that they had in fact already met him as you were dating Connor Ball, the bassist for The Vamps. Yes, both your brother and boyfriend were bassists, and both of their names also started with 'C'. It was a strange coincidence.

But it was Connor who was flying all of the way out to satisfy Calum's intense need to vet everyone you date. Your boyfriend luckily hadn't seemed to mind when you told him.

"Hi Love, how are you you?" He asked when you Skyped him. It was your weekly 'date' or as close as you could get to a date while being away from each other so long.

"Ugh irritated," you sighed, "Calum has been bothering me about meeting my boyfriend ever since he found out I had one."

"He wants to meet me?" Connor laughed, "Have you told him that we've already met?"

"No," you picked at your nails, "I was waiting until I was sure that we were serious."

"Hmmmm, fair enough, would you say that we're serious now?" He asked, subconsciously leaning into the camera, anticipating your answer.

"Well yeah," you looked up at him.

"Then what's the problem?" He sounded a little hurt. Ugh, you didn't want him to think you were ashamed or something. You just didn't want to deal with the boys antics.

"I just don't know how to bring it up, or tell him if he brings it up, like what if he doesn't believe me?" You sighed.

"I could talk to him if you'd like," Connor offered with a grin, "I could even come over there to do it in person."

"You just want an excuse to come see me," you laughed at his cheekiness.

"Sue me, trying to come up with a reason to come and visit by perfect girlfriend," he chuckled.

There was a chorus of, "awwwwwe" from somewhere else in the room.

"What was that?" You asked as he turned around.

"Apparently we've attracted some eavesdroppers," he laughed, moving the camera so that you could see the doorway where James, Bradley, and Tristan were standing.

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