Chapter 14: The Truth

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Alright so here it. Adrian finally learns the truth 😬

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Adrian's POV

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Adrian's POV

Finn was standing behind me as I held the knife out in front of me, ignoring the fear that made my hands shake blatantly.

The two larger males were growling loudly, refusing to back down as they continued to be stubborn.

"Adrian," Finn started softly, reaching out to touch the small of my back. "Put the knife down, love." he said, making me pull away from him.

I shook my head vigorously and continued to aim my weapon at the large man, remembering the scar that he had put on my friend. Memories started to swirl together, years of abuse rushing back to me quickly as I tried to block it all out and continue to stand strong. My eyes stayed locked on Danny, his face twisted in concern as he covered the mark with his hand.

"You hurt Danny," I spat at Atticus, my hands shaking around the knife. "You're no different than him." I said, comparing him to my father and sneering.

My eyes were pointed directly at the scar on Danny's neck, Finn seemed to notice as his face lit up with realization for my negative reaction towards Atticus.

"I-It's not what you think," Danny started, trying to step closer to me only to be blocked by Finn.

Finn was quick to advance in front of me, giving the growling Atticus a deep scowl as they both began to stare each other down.

My mind returned to the fact that my friend had been hurt by the man in front of me, the man that Danny trusted and felt nothing but unconditional love for. Tears welled in my eyes, though there was thick anger laying behind them as I tried to lunge closer to the perpetrator.

Finn caught me by the waist and dragged me backwards, knocking the knife from my hands and causing me to scream in fury.

"Let go of me!" I screamed, kicking my legs relentlessly when he refused to release. "Don't touch me!"

The image of Danny being beaten just like I was wouldn't leave my mind. I thrashed about, trying to get out of Finn's tight grip so I could inflict pain on the person that I hated more than anything at the moment.

"LET GO OF ME YOU BASTARD!" I screeched, not caring that the words I was saying were foul and had no place being directed towards Finn.

Danny had tears in his eyes as he quivered behind his partner, letting out a sad sob before darting from the kitchen and out the back door.

I clawed at Finn's hands, earning a small hiss of pain as he picked me up all the way and threw me over his shoulder. My fists hit his back harshly as we walked away from Atticus, his face blank of any expression.

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