Hate This And I'll Love You

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Hate This and I'll Love You // Epilogue

t h r e e  y e a r s  l a t e r

"You were great today, sweetheart," Dan said as he smiled at Phil, tugging him in for a tight hug. "That movie's gonna be great."

"Why thank you." Phil smiled and placed his lips on Dan's, only for a few seconds. "God, I'm so glad I could take you with me this time."

"Hm, me too," Dan smiled and pecked on Phil's lips again.

When Phil looked at Dan, he had a weird smirk on his lips that made Dan furrow his eyebrows.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Well... You wanna go for some sightseeing today?"

Dan's eyes widened a bit in surprise before he smiled. "You got time for that today?"

"Actually not, but I talked to Johnny earlier and they delayed some of the filming for three hours. So... are you ready to experience some German culture with me?"

Dan squeaked a bit and he smiled, wrapping his arms around Phil. "Ahh, thank you so much."

Phil chuckled at Dan's excitement. "How about we take a look at that museum you wanted to go to first so we can walk around the city for a bit afterwards? Maybe we can have dinner together somewhere."

Dan nodded enthusiastically, still smiling. "Will we go on our own, though?" he asked and looked behind him, seeing PJ stand there. He didn't look at them but Dan still felt kinda weird. But hey, at least he was a friend of Phil's. He'd rather have him as his bodyguard than some complete stranger.

"I'll try my best. Maybe it'll be enough if I tell him that I'll call him in case it's necessary."

Dan smiled once again, his arms wrapped around Phil's body. "I love you," he whispered and kissed his lips gently. "I love you, too," Phil then whispered after a few seconds. "By the way, your hair looks good today."

"Does it?"

"Yeah, it's all fluffy and... velvety."

Dan rolled his eyes. "Velvety? You're such a spork."

"But I'm your spork."

"And I wouldn't want it any other way, sweetheart."

Phil chuckled lightly and took Dan's hand. He looked him in the eyes for a few seconds, admiring the warm brown eyes not for the first time that day. "So, you ready to go now?"

Well, what can I tell you?

After that audition that took place three years ago, Phil got the lead role in a big successful movie which finally made him able to get somewhere with his career.

Dan and Phil both live in London up to this day, even moved in together with a little puppy somewhere in one of the little bit more expensive areas of the city.

However, Dan still kept his boutique. He doesn't work there that often anymore due to several paparazzi-incidents which took place in the past, but well, Pauline and his other employees took good care of it when he couldn't. After some time, he even managed to open up other shops in London, but also Manchester, Brighton and Birmingham. And sometimes, he even got to work together with well-known brands to create exclusive fashion lines for his shops.

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