trainee fair (taeyang)

21 2 0

a/n: italicized words are translations of the song's Korean lyrics. Personally I do not speak Korean so the italicized words, when translated, may not rhyme with each other. All songs, unless otherwise mentioned, are written by myself.

I've been stuck in the undergroundwhen the sun is all I need;You understand me like a brotherand you showed me the path to succeed,

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I've been stuck in the underground
when the sun is all I need;
You understand me like a brother
and you showed me the path to succeed,

Find a way to lead me—
Please find some way to try;
I'm scared and afraid to start alone,
Lead me— I know your reply,
You'll shake your head and make a sigh,
You'll pet my own and speak awry,

And you'll lead me again and again,
like every other instance,
Lead me to the final step—
but then I'm gone into the distance.

"Thank you."

Half of the audience clapped over the words, but perhaps the other half heard them - it didn't matter to Taeyang, as long as Woojin had heard them. He quickly made a smile towards the applause, bowing his head a little in thanks.

"You nerd," a voice said into his ear, it being Woojin's cheeky, happy laugh. "you were supposed to perform some cute love song, not..." he trailed off, something catching his words.

Taeyang laughed a little, fighting the urge to respond since it would be broadcasted throughout the whole area. "Now please enjoy F.O.X hyung's performance you've all been waiting for!" he introduced cheerfully, wrapping his guitar around his back as he walked off stage.

He heard a little click in his ear, signaling that his microphone and earpiece had been turned off. Woojin was talking to the sound manager for a few seconds, pointing at the panel and turning towards Taeyang. Before the younger could get off stage, Woojin ran up to him for quick hug.

"You nerd, you're gonna make me cry," he said quietly, Taeyang widening his eyes and glancing towards the sound manager, who pointed at their microphones and gave a thumbs up, pointing at the machine which showed they were both off.

Taeyang made a careful laugh, wrapping his arms around the older too. "Get over it, hyung."

"Rude," the other retorted back playfully, stepping away and patting Taeyang on the back as he passed him, running up to the microphone with his guitar that hung across his back.

"Hellllllllo guys!" F.O.X shouted in English, riling up the crowd. Suddenly any backstage emotion was covered by a bright stage personality. "Sorry for the delay, y'all know what's up!"

He switched back to the better understood Korean, laughing as he introduced his new song. "You've probably seen the teaser..." he trailed off, smirking a smug smile as the crowd got louder, "So let me introduce an exclusive preview to you all!"

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