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i lay awake that entire night - not one moment of sleep. i couldn't stop thinking about the dream and what would have happened if it was to really happen.

i'm just happy it was only a dream.

i walked down the stairs when it was daylight and i spotted jack in the kitchen making pancakes over the stove. his muscular back was turned towards me and i walked into the kitchen sitting at the island.

he must have heard me because he turned around with a smile on his face.

"morning," he made his way over to me and kissed my forehead while placing a plate in front of me.

i took the opportunity to wrap my arms around his torso and shove my face into his bare chest.

"val?" he chuckled at the sudden act of affection.

i let him go and smiled at him. "yeah?"

"you okay?" he asks and leant over the counter while caressing my cheeks with his fingers.

"never better!" i smiled and he nodded while walking back to the stove.

"we're out of butter.." he curses under his breath. "i'm gonna run to the store, you okay here?" he asks and threw his sweatshirt back on.

i hummed as i placed more pancakes in my mouth and he walked over to me placing another kiss this time on my temple.

"i won't be long." he mumbled against my forehead making me grin.

he grabbed his keys and made his way out of the house into his car and off to the grocery store.

should i give you guys some drama ?? or keep it simple ? :)

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