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Phil's POV

Dan: Um...who are you?

It literally feels like someone has ripped my heart out and torn apart into a million pieces. He doesn't remember me...after what has happened between us, I've been deleted from his memory.

I feel like falling to the floor and sobbing, but I think that would be too weird in front of Dan. So I force a fake smile on my face and try speaking.

Phil: I'm um Phil.

He just nodded and smiled politely, obviously completely oblivious to what is happening inside my body. It feels like someone has taken a knife and is stabbing into my gut over and over again. W-Why me?! I suddenly can't take it anymore, knowing that he has no freaking clue who I am and that I love him more than life itself, so I turn and run out of the room, only to bump into the nurse.

Nurse: Hey! What's wrong, honey?

Phil: Its um just um...Dan doesn't remember me! I just can't take it!

She lets me cry into her shoulder, while she awkwardly pats my back. Usually I would be embarrassed, but there is no room for that emotion when all I can feel is pain.

Nurse: Don't worry, we can get over this, bring his memory back.

I smile a little through my tears and stand up straight.

Phil: We can?!

Nurse: Yes, if you do something it can jog something in someone's brain, it can trigger their memory. So, all you need to do is help him remember, take him to places you went together, do things together that you did before, etc. He will be fine, don't worry.

I thank her, feeling reassured. We can get through this. I glance down at her shirt, which is soaked through with my tears. I feel my cheeks heat up a bit.

Phil: Um, sorry about your t-shirt...

She laughs and smiles again, telling me its ok. I nod and go back over to Dan's room.

Dan's POV

Why did the boy with the gorgeous blue eyes run out? What was his name? Phil! Where did he go?

Did I do something wrong? I want him to like me, he seems nice. I lean back into my pillow, closing my eyes, I suddenly feel exhausted.

About 5 minutes later, the same boy comes rushing in again, his eyes brighter. I smile and try to make conversation, I want to be his friend.

Dan: Hello! Um, Phil?

Phil grins and brushes his hair out of his face.

Phil: Yeah, its Phil. So, um, you will be able to come out of here in a few days after they've checked you over some more, then we can go to our house.

Our house? Don't I live with my parents? Phil must have seen my confusion, as he spoke again.

Phil: Erm, you live with me. We friends.

Were? Oh. I brush it aside and try to make more of a conversation. We talk for a long time, him telling me about all his interests and what games he likes playing, but his face was in a slight frown when he talked. I just nod and smile, thinking how easy it is to get along with Phil. No wonder we were apparently best friends.

I just wish I knew what seems to be bugging him.



Ooh, how's Phil going to get Dan to remember him?

Guess we'll just have to wait for Julia's update!:)


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