Rollarcoaster. (7)

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Salt in the wound is such a beautiful and much over used metaphor however the thought of it is just as painful as it really feels. Have you ever washed your hands only to feel a strong painful sting erupt through your body from a small part of your hand? In that moment you see that you have found a cut you never knew was there and unaware of how it even surfaced on your skin. It's like a cry for help in my eyes, I see it as maybe your mind was too numb to notice the situation your body was in, as though the fog filled up your mind and completely forgot about the safety of you.

I could feel the burning against my cheek, feel liqud drip from the split in my lip, see clearly the peeling skin on my knuckles but could not feel it. No pain, nothing at all. The rain was loud, ear piercing and uncomfortable and all I simply wanted was for it to stop. To stop hitting against the pavement, to stop beating against the metal above us but things are unfair and as humans we grow used to it, and to gradually accept it.

Once I looked over at Taehyung who had a playful smile presented on his lips, I felt relaxed. It was as though a breath of fresh air suddenly filled my lungs that pushed that thick fog away from my mind. I felt a rush of happiness fill my lungs and cause my heart to slightly jump.

"Not hurt me huh." I mumbled, pushing a laugh passed my lips once finishing the short sentence.

I heard him laugh, his laugh that managed to block out the irritating rain, before he spoke in a playful tone.

"What? At least we had fun." He shrugged finger nails digging into the open flesh on his plam.

My instinctive reaction was to curl my fingers around his slender wrist stopping him from causing anymore damage. It wasn't a quick reaction but in the end Taehyung's eyes moved up to meet mine, a questioning look presented on his features. Stopping myself from even getting lost in his eyes I replied instantly.

"Don't hurt yourself anymore than you already are."

His lips curled up in a soft smile as a soft blow from his nostrails indicated a soft laugh not reaching his voice. It was once I brought my hand back the awful rain sound filled the silence once again but as though he wanted me to know he was here, eventually I felt his dull nails run up and down my bare hand, sending shivers down my spine and growing goosebumbs on my skin. But, I didn't mind. Time went by without a clock, without the sun, without a care because the feeling that was sitting in my chest was a feeling I never want to forget, familiar and cherished. It was so hypnotizing that I hadn't noticed the silence, the fact the rain had stopped leaving patched of puddles for our unlucky socks to soak up.

"Alright, let's get going. I bet you Yoongi is probably worried about you." Taehyung says pushing himself off the hard surface.

I hummed, agreeing to his remark before I too stood up and brushed myself off. We didn't speak at all during the walk towards the dorm buildings, I had my eyes grazing the floors cautious not to step on any puddle as the shoes I wore were not really, water repellent. Once I stood in front of the door that read the number of my room, I mentally prepared myself for an earful lecture from Yoongi however my jaw dropped and my words were lost when I ended up seeing a pacing Hoseok.

I stood statue, hearing the door behind my close and Taehyung move into the dorm room. My eyes were slowly processing Hoseok actually being here and looking very angry. As soon as the door clicked shut, he shot his head towards both Taehyung and I, eyes locking with mine instantly, almost ignoring Taehyung completely. He marched over me, height intimading as usual, and bluted out a paragraph one that seemed reheresed.

"Where the gods name were you!? Why am I here? Well you see I wanted to be that good awesome cool nice friend, so I came to see if you're doing okay. I mean it's your older brother funeral for gods sake of course I was going to come check up on you but as soon as I come along you're not here! So I wait, Yoongi and I wait for you to return but you never did so I decided, 'hey I should go see if he's sulking at the garve stone' but when I got there I had to run into your no good mother who I calmly asked 'hey have you seen Jimin anywhere?' You know what she said 'oh yes I have.' The what? She didn't tell me where you went or anything so I was left there being freaking Sherlock Holmes trying to find out where you went!"

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