I Came For You

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I Came For You

The Dark Lord was waiting, already standing up, his wand held in his long fingers as he loomed before a hearth with green fire flickering, casting eerie light about the room. Severus Snape stepped inside, carrying himself with every ounce of confidence he could muster. If either of the first years cracked... it would be his neck as well as theirs that would be on the line. One of the first year's trainers squeaked when he walked, just a little queef, queef of a sound, but it sounded loud in the silence of the room.

The moment they were completely through, the Dark Lord waved his wand and the door slammed behind them. Liam flinched at the banging of the door. "Welcome," Voldemort breathed and his eyes flickered over them. "Welcome my new... little... friends." He smiled, his mouth splitting to reveal his teeth as he waved his hands, ushering them in further, urging them closer, "Yes, yes, come in, come in." He looked at Severus Snape, and despite the eagerness to his voice and motions, Severus could see the cold anger in his eyes. "What do I owe this... unexpected... visit to, Severus?"

Severus drew a deep breath.

Time to lie.

"These boys... wish... to... enter into your service."

Liam looked at Severus, then back to Voldemort. Wally brought his chin up, holding his jaw square, his eyes glued to the face of the Dark Lord.

Voldemort glanced between the two boys, and he seemed to nearly glide across the floor, his robes covering his feet. He walked up to Wally, and he reached out with his free hand, wrapping his long fingers 'round Wally's chin, holding his jaw, his fingers gripping the shape of Wally's bone and forcing his head back, tilting his face so he was looking straight down into it. His eyes searched Wally's.

It was not hard, Wally thought, to think constantly of how fearsome and powerful this man seemed. From the the curl of his lip and the smooth, pale complexion, the man exuded a certain horrifying charm... It was easy to see, Wally thought, how the Death Eaters had been drawn into this man's agenda, how they could overlook all of the evil that this charismatic leader sent them into the world to do...

"Is it true, boy?" Voldemort's voice was a hiss. "Do you wish to serve the most powerful wizard in the entire world?"

Wally tried very, very hard not to shake as he nodded, "Yes sir," he said, following Severus Snape's instructions.

"What is your name?"

"Wally, sir. Well... Walter. Walter Grant."

"And are you pure?"

Severus closed his eyes. He'd forgotten to instruct them about this.

"P - pure?"

"Pure of blood."

"I'm muggle-born, sir."

Voldemort stared at him for a long moment.

Suddenly there was a squeal and the stare was broken as Voldemort looked away - toward Liam, who had squealed as a great, thick snake slithered toward them from the shadows. Severus glared at Liam, and Liam looked apologetic, but when the snake continued coming closer, he stumbled a couple steps back from it.

Voldemort looked over, his hand dropping from Wally's chin, and stepped over to Liam. "Do you feel fear, boy?"

"Yes, sir," whispered Liam.

"What was that?" Voldemort's voice was a hiss.

"Yes, sir!" Liam said louder.

Voldemort watched as the snake slid around Liam's ankles, slithering over his trainers and wrapping itself around the boy, hissing, lifting itself up after a few coils around the boy's legs... Liam looked quite ready to throw up, his face pale white as a ghost.

The Marauders Year Five Part 2 #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now