Chapter 14

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Chapter 14!! Enjoy~ ^_^


Alex was regretting her decision. Oh she regretted it so much. But there was nothing she could do now.

After they'd signed the contract, Clark had taken her back to his office where he'd done his work while she just sat on the couch and wondered what in the world was happening. She didn't have classes today, so she didn't have any excuse to leave.

It was evening by the time Clark finished organizing his things and leaned back on his chair with a sigh.

"Okay, I've arranged for all the meetings to be cancelled or postponed. Everything will be done through emails and phone calls. Hopefully by next week we would be back to ourselves. But for now, all you have to do is come in to my office everyday, and sit here." Clark said to Alex, frowning when he looked up to see her mind still in the clouds.

Snapping his fingers in her face, he muttered. "Are you even listening to me, woman?"

Her eyes wide and unfocused, Alex turned her head towards him. "Huh?"

Pinching the bridge of his nose, Clark prayed for patience. "I said, if we are not back to ourselves tomorrow, I have arranged for all the meetings of this week to be cancelled or postponed. But you do have to show MY face in this office, otherwise people will be thinking I've been slacking off and try to take advantage of that. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?"

"Nuh uh." Alex shook her head, then went back to staring at the space in front of her.

"Oh God why." If he had to exchange bodies with someone, why couldn't it be with someone with brains?

"Hey! Listen to me. I want you to tell me what's wrong with you, so we can move on from your state of denial and start getting some things done." Clark moved forward, grabbed her face with his tiny palms and forced Alex to look at him.

"You know what, I think I'm gonna go tell Derek I'm cancelling." She mumbled, her words slightly slurred as her cheeks were being squished up from being held in Clark's hands. She started to get up and leave the room.

"Oh no you don't." Clark quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her down to the couch, sitting her down once again.

There was a knock on the door right then and the door opened to let Victor in. "Sir, about that meeting tomorrow that you said you wanted postponed, Mr Smith has called to confirm it sir."

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