You're My One And Only (Harry Potter X Ishita)

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TheMrsRossLynch I'm sorry if anything in this imagine isn't what you wanted. I tried. Also, sorry it's not that long. I couldn't think a lot for it. Xx ~ MBear.

Story: Fluff
Language: eh, just one.

Word count: 711

"Ugh! Why does Professor Clark make DADA seem hard?" Questioned Hermione as she walked along side you. Turning to her, you smiled and shook your head. "It's an easy subject Mione." You stated as we walked to the Gryffindor Common Room.

"I don't think I can stand another day in that class with that old woman." Hermione moaned as you walked, coming up to the portrait, and saying 'Lions Roar' before walking into the room. There, on the couch, was the boy who lived. More like the boy who lived in your dreams.

"Hey Ishita, hey Mione." Ron said as he saw you both. You smiled and waved as Hermione hugged him. Turning to Hermione, you finished what you were talking about earlier. "Mione, at least we only have this year left then we can leave." She smiled at this and nodded. You sat by Harry, pushing your black hair out of your face and into a ponytail before fixing your glasses that framed your green eyes.

"Well, you going to hug me or not?" You questioned him as he blushed. He nodded and hugged you right as Ginny came in. Once she saw you, everyone could see the hatred she held for me as she stalked across the room. "That is my boyfriend!" She shouted, making all heads turn your way.

Raising a well plucked eyebrow and standing up, you towered over her by a good five inches. "What? In your imagination?" You questioned. She glared before shaking her head. "No, not in my imagination. You're a sorry excuse for a Black.'"

You glared at her before stepping threateningly toward her. "What did you just say?" You question, balling your hands up into fists. Ginny widened her eyes slightly in fear before covering it up but you saw it. "Oh, is that a flickr of fear I saw?" You questioned but she shook her head.

"Stupid Black! He is my boyfriend, get it through your thick, know it all brain! You even copied his scar!" She shouted. You glared at her. "I was born with this scar, thank you very much! Not my fault it's a lightning bolt!" You shouted as you touched the scar on your neck. Turning to Harry, your eyes softened slightly. "Is this true Harry? Is this.. Weaslette your girlfriend?" You questioned, seeing him blush. He widened his eyes when you addressed him. "W-what? No! Ishita, I swear..." you cut him off as you swung a fist at Ginny, catching her by surprise and wiping the smirk off her face.

All of the Gryffindors' stared wide eyed as you realized what you'd done. "I-i.." Trailing off, you hurried up the girls dorm room that you shared with Hermione and the other sixth year girls. Once in, you changed from your Gryffindor robes and into a tank top and your brother's joggers. Getting into bed, you faced opposite of the door.

There was a sudden knock at the door. "Mione, this is your dorm too. Come in." You said, your voice slightly muffled as tears glistened in your eyes. You heard the door open and heavy footsteps before you felt your bed dip and blankets get pulled back. Suddenly, you were pressed against a hard chest.

"Ishita, look at me." Your eyes widened as you heard Harry's voice because you was expecting your twin brother, Isaiah Black. Turning around in his arms, you saw Harry smile awkwardly. "Darling, she was lying." He said as he wiped away a tear that betrayed you.

"Harry, it's just, I never thought you'd like me and when Hermione told me and Ginny that you liked me too, I was so over joyed but that's when Ginny quit being my friend." Harry nodded as he pulled you into him. Kissing your forehead, he rested his chin on top of your head and said:

"Ishita, you're my one and only." That's when yoy knew he was telling the truth. Kissing his cheek, you cuddled and slowly fell asleep as he hummed a lullaby.

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