for mi amigo.

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Dedicated to FUZZYmorin and everything she's done for me. I know she's going through some things as well, and it makes my heart reach out for her. I love you so much, and I want you to know that this is all for you. You can rip it, flip it, bop it, twist it and pull it, if you want. :)
But I seriously think you'd like this.
Thank you.


Everything is something. Nothing is something, too.
Looking for answers is an answer to a question. Everything is everything. Nothing is everything.
It's like a terrible case of the chicken pox, where everything pops up in your face, all at once.
I too have yet to understand it.
But you must realize that everything is something, and so is nothing.

Art, is one of those things. Everything is art. Nothing is art.
This, me writing this thing, is art.
The small scribbles on your notepad are art.
The books you read are art.
Your life is art.
If it is made by somebody, it is art.
Like the birds in the sky. Or the flowers, and the beetles.

It is all simple, really.

There is no bad art.  Never any bad art.
It doesn't start out as bad art, anyway.
Sometimes it decides to hop off and do whatever it wants, not complying with the rules of the artist, shaping itself in ways we can't exactly fix. We only sometimes have to strength to control it. And that's okay.
Unless your piece of art is tobacco and the entire government branch as of now. That was a terrible mistake.

But we stride in our differences, our compassions, our flaws. That is what makes us art when push comes to shove. Spotting the things everyone always looked out for, catching your eye like nothing else had. That's just something some people will keep in their heads to admire more than the rest of the portrait, seeing this flaw as something so fragile, yet so strong. Like a box, with glass in it. It's easy to break, but can hurt you too, you see.

You were a sketch, a finished one, who was made to apply pure happiness into the hearts and soul of others.
To some people, you do.
Watch those people, listen to them, and let them enjoy you for what you are. After all, they're all pieces of art too.

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