21. Take a damn break before you die of blood loss you idiot

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Thirteen's POV

"You know, when you said hike I immediately envisioned a tree-filled, shady, forest-"

"Your mistake." I interrupt but Devin keeps talking as if I'd said nothing at all.

"Not a one hundred degree heat, cactus-filled, rocky, sandy, dusty, desert."

"I told you to wear shorts. It's not my fault you decided not to listen to me."

"You also told me to wear warm clothes. I'm ecstatic I chose to ignore that suggestion as well."

"No, I told you to pack warm clothes. The temperature drops really low at night. You'll freeze, but that's not necessarily my problem."

"Uh, yes it is. If I freeze I'm suing you."

"If you freeze you'll be dead," Jason interjects before I have the chance to respond. "You won't be suing anyone."

"That's what you think." Devin retorts and I can practically hear the smile I know he's got plastered on his face.

I shake my head and continue on, kicking smaller rocks out of my way as I go. I'm in the lead since nobody else knows how to get there. Cody's behind me, Devin's behind Cody, Jason's behind Devin, Chase is behind Jason and...Elaine's in last.

Originally Elaine was in front of Devin. But with her constant complaints and irritating remarks....well, let's just say Cody could sense how close I was to turning around and snapping her neck. So she was pushed down the line to the back.

She also couldn't really keep up with us very well to begin with and was continuously asking for us to stop, to take a break.

Yeah with me in the lead...not ever freaking happening. This hike was already taking longer than I had thought.

Unfortunately, not taking a break was definitely taking its toll on me. I'm still not healed and every step, every breath, was causing me pain. Luckily since I'm in the front none of the boys can see that I've torn the stitches in my leg and the blood's beginning to run down the front of my leg after already soaking through the bandage.

My ribs are causing me pain with every breath I take, and the backpack on my pack is certainly not helping. But am I going to take a break, or even ask for one? No.

My shorts are doing absolutely nothing to keep the blood from running down my legs and soaking into the socks that end just below my knee. I'm actually wishing I'd wore pants. At least it would help soak up the blood.

Devin pretended to faint when I came out of the bathroom this morning wearing a white tank top and tan shorts. I had no intentions of wearing black while walking through a desert in constant sunlight.

The boys all chose to wear basically the same thing as me, tank tops, shorts, long socks, and hiking boots...well all except Devin. He wore pants.

"How much longer until we get there? My feet are killing me." Elaine whines and I roll my eyes and clench my teeth in irritation.

"Well maybe if you'd worn proper hiking shoes like I'd given you, you wouldn't be having this problem," I respond shortly.

It's not my fault she decided to wear a pair of sandals. Who wears sandals when going on a long hike? Unless it's on the beach.

And it's not like the rest of her outfit is any better. Short shorts and the smallest tank top she could find. I really hope she didn't bring any clothes for tonight...let her freeze.

"You didn't tell me we were going to be walking through rocks for hours!" She hisses back at me and I roll my eyes again.

"What do you think hiking means? I told you to stay at the hotel but no, you just had to come along."

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