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uh hi, hello, salutations, there are too many greetings it's ridiculous. i'm doing this for the solid fact that i-- you know what i have no idea what i'm doing and or how to talk to you. i guess you can say i've been a little obsessed ever since you waved at me. i didn't know how to to take it. you know it could've been a friendly gesture or the gesture of "hey-i-like-you-and-we-should-hang-out". it probably wasn't that and i was probably going crazy. i'm writing you this letter because i feel like i should get my feelings out on paper because like my mother always said "if you can't get your feelings out in person, your next resort is paper". i've always admired my mom and how she held herself. she was like the golden snitch to everyone she knew. people wanting to get close but could never touch her. this one girl did get close to her but my mom wasn't about to let that happen. i, on the other hand, am so gosh darn open. like there is nothing i wouldn't tell you. i broke my arm when i was four, got stitches when i was ten, got my period at 14. okay uhh maybe i shouldn't of told you that but like i said, open book. i was a very rough and tough girl it's a little crazy how i'm so calm and gentle now. but maybe it has something to do with my dad passing away and my mom turning lesbian. i always knew my mom was a little attracted to girls but i never said anything about it. i kinda always knew i was attracted to girls. when other girls had boyfriends i would have a friend and we'd pretend we were girlfriends but i never pretended. you're probably thinking "wow she's a little weird, time to crumple this up and never think about it again". i would feel hurt but it's okay if you never want to read this or if i'm too weird to talk to.

After four pages of paper and two hours, this is what I came up with. It wasn't my best but it's something. I wasn't planning on sending it but I was going  to keep it and maybe send it one day. One day she would probably forget me but it's okay. I would look back on these letters and think how in love I was with a girl who had no idea I even existed.

uhh tell me how y'all feel about this chapter.

Yes the first part is the letter. The next chapter for bmi is coming but I don't know when. I'm not ready to write it because I don't know how to begin it. ughh

xoxo urban

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