Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Lilian's POV

After everything that happened everyone went back to what they were doing. I sat outside in the grass with mom. "Mom?" I said.

"Yea?" She asked and started braiding my hair. I relaxed a little.

"Do you ever think that about what happened before this world went to shit?" I asked and played with grass.

"Yea sometimes. I miss a lot of stuff." She said and sighed we both got up and went to the watch tower and sat there. We both ended up falling asleep with me in her lap.


Daryl's POV

"Has anybody seen Andrea and Lilian?" I asked. Everyone pointed outside and I nodded. I walked outside and looked around. I didn't see them.

I then looked at the watch tower and went up and found them sleeping. I smiled and picked them both up carefully.

I walked back inside holding them. "Found them." I said smiling. I say them on a chair and took Lilian from Andrea. I took her to her and Carls cell.

He was reading a comic book. Figures. He looked up and came over and took her. I smiled and went over and say in a chair. Carl and I talked for about an hour.

Lilian started walking up. I flashed a light in face. "Dad stop." She said and buried her face in Carls chest. Carl and I laughed. She blushed and smiled.


Lilian's POV

When dad left Carl started reading comic books. I played with my bracelet that Amy got me before the world went to shit.

I laid down beside Carl and took his hat. He smiled and looked at me. I put I over my face and giggled. He laughed and took it off of my face. He kissed my forehead and put his hand in my stomach. When he did he smiled wide.

"You know when the baby is born Daryl is going to call it Little Ass Kicker 2." He said laughing. I laughed and smiled.

"You know I like the name Clarissa." He said and smiled. I nodded.

"I like it too. I like Clarissa Loran Grimes." I said and laid my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around me.

"Why Loran?" He asked. I looked up at him.

"I mixed our moms names up." I said giggling. He smiled.

Sorry it was a short chapter.

I love you forever. (A carl grimes love story)Where stories live. Discover now