Part 11

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Bella's Pov

When I got to Billy's I was beyond frustrated and so mad at Sam but I continued to run to Billy's small red house. As I did this I saw both Jared and Paul standing there looking at me with sad faces. I knew that it wasn't going to be good what they had to tell me.

Jared then said Sam told us to keep you from going inside as you are to angry right now to face your dads. I cried even more and I walked over to the tree beside papa's house and I just slumped to the ground and cried harder.

I cried for the pain of my phase, I cried because I had no freedom as a human or a wolf and I cried from all the pain I have been through all my life. Finally after a while of crying and screaming and shouting out my pain I wore myself out.

I fell to sleep on the forest ground against the tree beside my papa's house. I forgot about everything that has happened to me at least for now. Forgetting seemed to be the easiest thing that I could do at this time.

The whole time I slept I kept dreaming of every possible way to get out of an alpha command but every option I ended up in pain. Every time I tried to break it or push past it a pain would start in my head and it just would not stop.

I finally just said to myself that when I woke I would just be a pain in the ass. I would go against Sam as much as I physically could in hopes that he removes the command and lets me be me. 

As I continued to sleep I thought all I want is to be free of the pain, of my dad, of my papa and of the pack. Basically I want to be free of everything that can control me.

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