she's not there.

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   After breakfast me and Katie went to the park. I decided to take my guitar. I put on my sunglasses and left. We walked around looking at the butterflies and watched everyone playing and having picnics. When we walked around we saw a boy he looked familiar but I really didn't pay much attention. He was standing near a big tree.  I walked past his tree and he smiled at me. I smiled back but then I heard a mans harsh voice. "Sandra! Sandra what are you doing!" I looked back and it was Steve. "Steve what do you mean?" He got a hold of my arm and started to twist it. "Steve what,what do you mean?" He twisted it even more. I couldn't bare the pain anymore. "You know exactly what I mean you bitch you smiling at other guys. You make me sick." He spat. I was on my knees now not knowing what to do. "I'm sorry I won't do it again I promise." He finally let go of my arm and spat right beside me. He walked in a stalky way. I got up and rubbed my arm in despair. Katie looked at me in shock in what just happened. "It was nothing see I just did something wrong." Tears started to flow down my face. Katie brought me in a hug and comforted me. We went on with the day and our stomachs were rumbling. Thankfully Steve didn't come again. We decided to get a bite to eat at a nice little restaurant. "That food was great thanks sandy. We should come here again." I could tell she enjoyed the food. I smiled and we walked out of the restaurant. I turned my guitar around and I started to strum it. I decided to start singing a Buddy holly song.

Buddy Holly and Elvis are my favorite. It was getting dark and I still had to take Katie home. We decided to  head back home. I dropped Katie off and I started to walk home. When I arrived there was messages on the phone. It was all from Steve. The messages were mean and devious. Luckily my mom and dad were out of town for the week.

When I got through all the messages I was in tears. He was calling me awful names. Like,slut,whore,bitch,ect. Bad memories entered my mind. The thoughts of him beating me snuck in my mind also. I also remembered the first time we dated. It was happy and Joy. After a year he got tired of me but didn't want to be alone so he made me stay. I was happy till the name calling and violence came along.  I didn't know what to do I was to scared to leave him. And I still am. No one seems to notice my bruises but Katie.  I try to hide my bruises from my mom and dad as best as I can. I got ready for bed and made some tea to relax.

  Suddenly the phone rang. I got up and answered it. "Hello." Steve was on the other line.  "Hey babe. How are you doing. Did you get my phone calls?" I sighed and replied. " yea I did.Good I guess my arms still hurts though." He scoffed." Ah you baby I didn't hurt you that bad. And I did that because you were fooling around with that loser John guy."  I rolled my eyes and stayed silent. "Hello?"  He said. "Yes I'm still here." He laughed a very evil laughed and then said goodbye.

  I was thinking of that boy John. The way he was standing ,his hair. I didn't get a very good look at him because of Steve. I looked down at my arm. It was red and had his print.

  I finished my tea and I went to bed.

I decided to stay home today and relax.  Ding dong. The door bell rang. In the front door was Katie and Bradley.

"Hey guys!What are you doing here?"

   "Just wanted to hang out." I nodded. "Let me get ready and take a shower." They both nodded. I ran upstairs. I washed my body and hair. I came out wrapped a towel around me and quickly ran into my bedroom. I picked out jeans and a white T -shirt. When I was putting on my clothes I saw the bruises and marks on my body. Flash backs started coming. There was marks on my back,shoulders, thighs and legs. It was horrible thoughts. I put on my makeup and remembered what Steve told me about it. He said I looked like a tramp and that I should put more makeup on to hide my hideous face. I tried to block out the thoughts and continued on. The phone rang and I already knew who it was so I let the machine take it. He left a hurtful message and I just let it go. What he thought was she's not there.

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