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Money in the Bank was tonight. Marina hadn't been told the results of the matches at all. Usually, that's how it was for everyone. Some people enjoyed knowing the outcome of the matches, but the surprise and possibility for anything to happen excited her. She sat in a chair looking down at her phone as a woman named Erin did her hair. Marina hummed I Want to Break Free by Queen as she texted AJ Lee.

"Oh my god, I never realized how long your hair is," Renee said as she took a seat in the chair across from Marina who turned off her phone and set it in her lap.

"Your dress is cute," Marina complemented the blonde.

"I'd never imagine you even wearing a dress, Rick," Renee eyed her, "I think you out-dressed me."

Marina laughed, "thank you, but that is impossible because you always look amazing."

"Alright," Erin fixed a few pieces of Marina's hair, "all done."

"Thank you," Marina said as she stood up from her chair.

She hugged Erin then Renee and walked out of Hair and Makeup. Her phone remained in her hand as she walked to catering. The Adam Rose vs. Damien Sandow match just ended and the show went to commercial. Marina sat down at a table alone until Xavier Woods came over and sat next to her.

"You seem lonely over here," he said as he turned the chair around and sat in it backwards.

"Well," Marina sighed, "no one has told me anything about these matches tonight so I'm just wandering around until something exciting happens."

"Do you mind if I wander with you?" He nudged her shoulder

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Do you mind if I wander with you?" He nudged her shoulder.

She smiled while shrugging, "why the hell not."

The two turned their attention back towards the screen. Marina watched as Rollins and Ambrose went ballistic towards each other. She put her elbows up on the table, studying the match as it went on. Her father instilled so many things in her, but one of her favorites was how he studied matches.

"To think," she started, "just last year, Reigns and Rollins were against the Usos for the straps and now this year, Reigns is in the match for the Heavyweight strap and Ambrose and Rollins could easily win that contract. Who are you rooting for?"

"Kofi," he winced as Rollins and Ambrose fell off the ladder, "what about you?"

"Um," she bit her lip and narrowed her eyes as Ambrose came running back out with a chair, "Rollins, but I would love to see them push Kofi. He more than deserves it."

"You're just trying to brush your first answer aside," he pointed out, causing her to blush.

He turned to her and nudged her shoulder as she hid her face from him. One of her favorite things about the business, had to be the camaraderie of the talent. Xavier bit the inside of his cheek as Dean hit Rollins in the back. To their surprise, Kane's pyro went off.

"What the hell?" They said in unison as Marina leaned back in her chair and Woods brought his hands up in frustration.

They watched as Kane choke slammed Ambrose then hit a Tombstone Piledriver on him. Though she hated when matches ended like this, she knew what this meant for her counterpart. The realization of the outcome for the match hit her. Marina leaned forward and slowly started to stand as Rollins ascended the ladder with Kane's assist. Rollins reached up and grabbed the briefcase. He held it above his head for a moment before hugging it. Marina and Xavier jumped out of their seats, causing a scene. A smiling Marina jumped into Xavier's arms for a hug as he spun her around. He put her down.

"Holy shit," she said as she watched Seth celebrate on the top of the ladder.

She looked at Xavier who nodded and the two of them ran out of catering and to gorilla

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

She looked at Xavier who nodded and the two of them ran out of catering and to gorilla. Xavier stopped when he got there and Marina waited until Seth descended the ladder. Stephanie and Hunter walked up to her and smiled. She looked back at Xavier who gave her a thumbs up and she did the same as she, Hunter, and Stephanie walked out. Seth stood with the briefcase over his head on the stage. Marina ran up behind him and hugged his torso. He turned around and hugged her from the front.

"Congratulations, Mr. Money in the Bank," she whispered.

"Couldn't have done it without you, Mav," he whispered back before they broke from each other's grasp.

Stephanie and Hunter held up his arms as Marina clapped. The four of them walked back into gorilla. Marina took Seth's hand and the two ran into an empty hallway. He put his newly won briefcase down on a crate and pulled his hair up into a low bun. She jumped on to him and hugged him again. He hugged back and spun her around slowly. He put her down and she hopped up and sat on the crate. He looked at the briefcase and smiled.

"You were, uh," he looked at her, "you were on my mind the whole match."

She chuckled at his attempt to flirt, "I'm your good luck charm now, huh?"

He laughed, "yeah, but seriously, I couldn't have done it without you and Reigns and Ambrose. You guys are the real reason why I have this."

She smiled as he looked at the briefcase, "I'm not supposed to tell anyone this, but I might have a title shot at Wrestlemania."

"You're kidding?"

She shook her head and smiled.

"Mav, that's great," he hugged her again.

"But that's in the future," she released the hug, slowly starting to walk away from him, "right now, we celebrate!"

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