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I woke up a little bit later than usually probably because of yesterday's events. I looked at my phone and smiled as I saw a meme from Jennifer, she really likes memes.

I yawned and stretched then I jumped out of bed and went to the living room. My mom was sitting on her chair, drinking tea.

"Good morning, sleepy head" she smirked at me.

"Good morning" I chuckled.

"Do you want breakfast?" She asked and I shook my head.

"I'll fix myself something" I said and she nodded, I didn't want to tire her.

I put some cereal in a bowl and then spilled milk on it and started eating it.

"So...why were you late last night?" My mom asked looking away from the window.

I swallowed the cereal before answering her: "I already told you"

"But they must not be any ordinary customer if you had to stay one more hour." My mom said and I sighed.

"It was a rich young man and he looked tired and hungry so I cooked for him." I said and looked back at my bowl.

"And..?" She asked.

"He complimented my food and asked me to work for him." I said and my mom's eyebrows flew up.

"He said I only have to cook three times a week and he would pay me whatever I want." I continued.

"Well...it's a good offer" She said.

"But...who's he exactly?!" My mom asked and I frowned.

"He said he's name is Mathew" I said and my mom nodded. She left the kitchen and went elsewhere after a minute or so she came back with the laptop in her hands.

I took it from her hands and put it in front of me, I opened it and sighed in and looked at mom.

"What do you want me to do?!" I asked.

"Google him" she answered like it's the most obvious thing ever.

"But I don't know his last name." I said.

"Then go through them all." She replied and I nodded.

I wrote Mathew in the search bar and about ten names came out. I went through three until I found a photo of the Mathew I'm looking for.

Mathew McKellen.

"Holy cow" my eyes widen. I've heard about him multiple times before on the TV, radio and I read about him on the Internet too. I should have know it was him but I was way too tired and sleepy to recognise him.

I've heard that's his nice, not too arrogant and a workaholic.

"Well...I say you take the job." My mom smirked and I nodded. I still have to ask Jennifer about it.

I looked at the clock and gasped, I only have half an hour to get ready.

"I better get going" I said and jogged to my room. I wore my uniform and filled my bag with the acenssials then waved goodbye to my mom and headed out of the door.

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