Halsey Library

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It was a silent trek up the worn, august steps of Halsey Library; Jamie was attempting not to further embarrass herself, and Spock was attempting to ignore his young subordinate. Even in silence, though, the young girl's presence seemed to work its way underneath his skin.
He reached the large wooden doors first, and proceeded to hold one open for Ensign Gordon. She strode demurely past him and into the lobby of the grandiose building. This was her first time visiting this specific Academy branch, and the reputation of its book collection preceded it. As she lifted her pale face in awe, she decided the lauding words were well deserved. Shelves upon antique shelves climbed like ivy up the library walls, and rows of books stretched back into the more private parts of the ground floor. Breathing in deeply, the scent of treasured knowledge, of bindings frequently held, invaded her nose, and Jamie wandered over to the nearest shelf to run her fingers along the books. Spock, awkwardly following close behind, also appreciatively noted the vast collection of knowledge housed at Halsey. It was impressive. He turned his focus to Jamie, her eyes full of wonder. She seemed to be overcome with emotion. Deep in the recesses of his mind, he felt a glimmer of... Companionship? No, of admiration. This Ensign felt wholly and without reservation. He reflexively shoved the feeling back under his Vulcan logic.
"Ensign Gordon, I believe I will leave you for now. There is a particular topic on which I wish to conduct research while I am here, and I would like to begin immediately," he spoke in a hushed, respectful tone. Spock hoped she wouldn't follow him. This was his attempt at a cordial departure, and if she foiled it, he had no idea how he'd preserve his last threads of sanity.
"What subject may that be?" She absently responded, attention still focused on the wall of books.
Spock wondered if this situation justified a white lie, one which would ensure her avoidance of him. Maybe if he said he was researching something painfully boring or disinteresting, this annoying human would leave him alone. He sighed, his morals and Vulcan biology getting the better of him.
"Archeology. I believe that Petra IV has made substantial discoveries in recent months, and I wish to keep my knowledge up to date," he responded.
Finally returning her focus to the man next to her, she smiled and took the hint.
"Well, I'll let you go find your books then," she said, "I think I'm going to search for something about the nature of anti-matter." Jamie didn't want to follow the poor man around, after all. She knew her company could be tiring.
Spock mentally sighed in relief and turned away.
However, as she moved her hazel eyes from his deep brown ones, taking in again his less than immaculate hair and rumpled uniform, she wondered if he needed sleep, not books. He began to shuffle off toward the main stairs. Maybe she should come with him, make sure he didn't doze off in public. She knew firsthand how embarrassing that could be, even in a library.
"But why don't I meet you someplace and we can do our reading together?"
Spock stopped and grimaced. He spun on his heel and meandered back over to her. Can't I escape this simple ensign? He watched with disapproval as she made her way across the beige tile towards the welcome kiosk that faced the entrance.
Jamie asked the woman for a map of the facility and kindly thanked her upon receiving one. Trotting back over to her superior officer, Jamie unfolded the map and looked for a lounge area. Spock hoped that she was less chatty with her nose in a book. Although, she seemed to be well read. He tiredly supposed that a scholarly conversation with her could be interesting, if he had the energy. No, what he needed was a nice read. That would replenish his energy. As a Vulcan, he didn't need much sleep, but his body did require periods of rest and solitude.
"Here!" She softly exclaimed. She looked back up at him. "Let's meet back up in this corner," she pointed at the map, "by the autobiographies. It seems to be a good distance between the academic journals and textbooks." She grinned. Maybe Jamie could share a nice conversation with him about archeology. She had read an in depth book about the topic last year, and she thought she could dig up (pun intended) her knowledge of it.
"That's fine. I will see you there," Spock responded shortly, immediately walking past her and continuing up the stairs. He didn't see her expression fall slightly. This was going to be a long day.

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