032 | NEKOMA [2]

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You peered up with an irritated expression, "What?" You whined. "I had fucking 49 marks over 50."

The bed-head sweatdropped at your over reacting, "Don't stress to much or you'll have wrinkles at the age of 17," He smirked as he watched your depression state, his chin on his palm as the spring breeze blew past them.

You slowly lifted your head up, glaring at Kuroo, "Shut up Kuroo. Just because you got a perfect score doesn't mean you can brag about it," You rested your head on the desk, playing with a swiss knife under it.

"Who says I'm bragging about my perfect marks?" He mutters by himself and rolled his brown eyes.

Then, the door to their classroom slammed open, revealing a tall russian. "Kuroo-san! K-Kenma-san is..." Lev went hysterical and walked to his senpai. His eyes were brimming with tears, and his uniform was stained with blood.

Kuroo abruptly stood up, approaching the terrified and shocked boy. "Lev, tell me what happened, okay?" The boy just took his wrist and dragged him to their hideout, leaving you dumbfounded and worried as to what happened.

Once they entered their quarters, all of the gang members were crowded around something. Yaku composed himself from crying, trying to comfort the other members although Kuroo could clearly see Yaku's devastation behind his body language. Yamamoto's knuckles turned white from gripping the metal bat. Inuoka kept kicking the sofa in frustration and rage.

He could clearly smell the scent of blood, splotches of crimson red beneath his feet, "What the fuck happened?" His stern tone echoed through the building but none replied. Their stocks of firearms were also gone.

The two men approached the rest of the members, Kuroo frowning as he didn't see Kenma. Usuallu, at times like these, Kenma would just be anywhere in sight, playing his psp.

Lev's shaky breath woke the lanky leader's train of thoughts. He realized that he stopped walking midway towards the members. After taking a few large, and daring steps, he was angered by the sight before him.

He saw blood around his body, his dyed blond hair sticking to his crimson colored skin, his face wretched in confusion. It was also swollen, covered with the colors, red, violet and blue. His eyes were lifeless, but his psp kept running. The picture of the whole nekoma gang was in his hands, crumpled up to his very last breath. His hair was cut short, and all you could see is his dark hair.

He took a step closer to the psp, noticing that there was a note.

hi nekoma-chan! be prepared bc i wouldnt just kill pudding kid over there! ^O^

love, the bitch you
wanna kill.

Kuroo's eyes darkened than it could ever be, his hands trembling with rage. He couldn't take it. Why would somebody do it to him? his friend, his right hand man, his only family.

He instantly fished the phone in his pockets, scrolling down to Suga's number. He didn't care if Bulletproof Boyscouts had something to do with Kenma's murder. All he wanted to do was kill the bitch.

"Tell me where the fuck that bitch is or I'll..." Kuroo glanced at his other members, who urged him to continue on.

"We'll kill her."

"Oh, hi Nekoma," After a moment of silence, Suga chimmed in the phone, "What happened?"

"I've had enough of your shit, where is she?"

"Oh you mean the bitch?" Suga threw a look of worry to the girl sleeping on his lap.

"She's... i can't find her."

"Fuck..." Kuroo bit his lip, "If you don't know where the fuck that bitch is... I'll find her," Then he ended the phone call with Suga.

Aftee that, the whole gang cleaned Kenma out of his messy death, cleaning off the blood on his face and closed his eyes. They changed his school uniform with a black button up shirt.

They placed him in a coffin, a bouquet of lilies clasped around his hands. His psp laying beside him and a photo taken with a close gang, Karasuno. along with an old photo of Kenma and his sister, which he didn't get to see or meet.

The rest of the gang members changed into formal clothes, tailoring same black tuxedos.

The gang stood in front of his life-less corpse, tears welling up in their eyes. Kuroo stood in front with the most rage.

"Kozume Kenma, we wish you have the happiest life up there. We wish you to have a free life and we will pay our respects for your lost life," Yaku chanted.

"And I promise to kill that bitch, just like she did to you."

• • •

i havent answered my homework yet lmaO

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