Sams goodbye

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Sam: sorry bye

Connor: plz stop

I slammed the door and just started cutting my wrist

I just want to die thats all

Kian: hey andrea

andrea: what?

Kian: I have to go back to the O2L house

Andrea: why?

Kian: Sam is saying goodbye I have to bye ily

I started to cry while cutting

Connor: we have to do something

Ricky: duhhh

KiAn: wheres sam

Trevor: in the bathroom idk what he is doing he could be doing something bad or he might be dead already

Kian: did you call 911?

Connor: our phones are deadv

kian: Sam open the door now plz


He didnt say anything

so we tried to kick the door we finally did

Kian: omg Sam!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry guys im on my tabelt snd its really hard to type but what do you think is sam dead or no? stay tuned

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