Good News and Bad day

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"Haan Karan bhai. Wassup?" Varun asked. Everyone became silent. Akanksha signed as 'what'. Varun closed his eyes and nodded. "Varun keep the phone in speaker. I need to tell this good news to Akanksha and others. I again need to call Sumedh for telling." Karan said. "Bhai, everyone are here, even the Mudgalkars." Varun said. "That's great." Karan said. Varun kept the phone in the speaker and "continue bhai. I kept the phone in the speaker mode." He said. "We are again having a baby. Nisha is pregnant." Karan almost screamed. "That's great Jiju!" The girls squealed. "We need to talk to her now!" The girls squealed. "Haha okay! Nisha! Your sisters want to talk to you." Karan called. Nisha came and took the phone. "Hi girls!" Nisha squealed. "Congratulations Nisha...!" The girls squealed. "Thank you girls. Come over. We'll meet. Its been a long time. Kaj and Payal are also here." Nisha said. "Payal Didi...!!!" Priya shouted, clapping her hands. They laughed for her cuteness. "Okay, we'll come." Akanksha said. "Fine, see you. Bye!" Nisha said and cut the call. "Come on! Get ready! We need to go there." Akhila said clapping her hands. They all got ready and set for Valecha's residency.

"Nisha...!!!" The girls squealed, hugging her. "Babies...!" Nisha too squealed, hugging them. "Missed you! Where's Jiju?" Kavya asked. Karan came to them. "Jiju!" Kavya shouted and hugged him. Karan chuckled, hugging her back. "You won't change and I love that in you." Kajal said. "I know didi. I won't change. If I have babies, then also I won't change, coz, my children should know that their mom is also a small kid like them. Then they can understand me better!" Kavya grinned. "Crazy girl!" Siddharth shook his head. They all sat. Priya got settled with Payal and Aashi. ""Did you have your lunch?" Kajal asked. "Haan Kaj. Best part is bhai and bhabhi cooked today." Akanksha said. "Wow that's great Vinod and Sanju." Kajal said. "Di, why are you always Di for everyone?" Vinod asked. "Haha, I don't know. Maybe I'm the elder one here. So everyone call me Didi." Kajal chuckled. "How's it being a mom Akhi?" Nisha asked. "Didi, you already said that on my wedding that This is the best feeling in the whole world, you know. I mean becoming amother. It's really special. I was feeling weird, as well as special at the same time when Priya was growing in me. Its really so special." Akhila said, seeing Priya, who's busy playing with her sisters. "I love her so much!" Akanksha said. Vasudev and Anuradha gave each other a look, as if they hate Akanksha. She observed it and also Akhila observed it. They both saw each others faces and wondered why they gave that look. "Jaan, come with me. Just a second." Sumedh called. Akhila went with him. He took her to the balcony and started. "Jaan, I know this is hard to hear, but," he stopped. "What had happened love?" Akhila asked. "Mom and Dad started hating Bhabhi. They think that she's the one who has done all the Natasha thing." Sumedh confessed. "WHAT?" Akhila cupped her mouth in shock. Vasudev and Anuradha came there. "Akhila, don't try to talk to Akanksha. She is the one who has done all the Natasha thing." Vasudev said. "But Dad, Dida is innocent. She didn't do anything. Its just your misconception." Akhila said. "No Akhila. Try to understand. She's trying to harm you. She doesn't want you to be happy. I mean, you have this much money, fame and everything. Don't even let her touch Priya. She may harm her also." Anuradha said. "Mommy jee? Papa jee?" Kavya heard everything. Akhila closed her eyes and shook her head. Kavya punched the wall and went away from there. "Ask her to leave immediately." Vasudev ordered. "But papa, Kajal bhabhi and Nisha bhabhi are also her sisters. Also this is not our house to decide whether she stays or not. She can't leave papa." Sumedh said. "Then we'll leave." Vasudev said. "Dad, I'm not going anywhere and Priya is enjoying here. She will cry again if we leave from here. I don't want to make my daughter cry. This is final. Yeah, I promise you that I'll ignore Dida. If its hurting you both, I won't do that anymore." Akhila said. 

Akanksha was actually worried about Akhila. She saw the meeting they kept in the balcony. But she didn't ask. She want her sister to tell on her own. Kavya knows everything. But Akhila wanted Kavya not to speak anything about this matter infront of Akanksha. She knows that its hurting. But she's bearing it. Its evening. Akanksha was seeing and observing everything. Akhila was just ignoring Akanksha, just because of that reason that her in-laws hate her sister. Akanksha was sitting sadly on the couch, lost in a deep thought. Varun came and circled his arm around her shoulder. He pulled her closer. She started crying. "I know your situation right now. I know how it feels when your sister ignores you. Just be strong. She's afraid of something. She'll tell the reason slowly. I know that you love her more than you and me. She's your first child. But yeah, your love is so strong that it will never let you loose her or never let her loose you. You both are so adorable that I feel jealous seeing you both." Varun consoled. "Yeah Prince. Everything you said is so true. I don't want to loose her. I don't know why she started ignoring me? What did I do? Why me every time? I feel like dying." Akanksha wept in his shoulder. "Baby, its okay. Everything will be alright. Don't cry now. If you cry, everyone will think that something is happening. Wipe your tears." Varun consoled. Akhila was listening everything. A teardrop escaped her eye. "I'm sorry Dida. This is so tough to handle. I know. My in-laws hate you. I can't even tell how much pain I'm going through right now." Akhila thought, wiping her tears. Akanksha went to help Nisha in the kitchen as Varun found Akhila. He decided to talk to her about this. "Akhi, come." He snatched her and made her sit on the couch. "What had happened jiju?" Akhila asked. "You know everything. Why are you doing like this to jaanu? Do you have any idea about what's she going through right now? She's upset about this. She is shocked and surprised to see her sister, ignoring her. Tell me what's the reason?" Varun asked sternly. "Jiju," Akhila mumbled. "Haan?" Varun said. "Dad and Mom hate Dida. They think that she's the reason behind that Natasha thing. I and Sumedh tried to explain them. But they're not ready to listen. They said that they shouldn't see me speaking about dida and they also told that they shouldn't hear about dida again. That's what made me ignore her. I don't want to make them sad. That's why I am maintaining distance." Akhila explained, sobbing. Akanksha heard everything. She got hurt. Varun saw her, "jaanu!" he called. She ran out, crying. Akhila followed her and Varun too. "Jaanu!" he again called. "Wait a second Prince. I need to talk to her." Akanksha said. Varun nodded, pushing Akhila in front. 

"Skitty, do you love me?" She asked. Akhila stood numb. "I'm asking you that do you love me? Yes or no?" Akanksha asked again. Akhila again didn't respond. "Fine. Prince, take the car out. We'll leave. I knew everything now. I don't want to be here for a second. Let's go." Akanksha said, pushing her tears back. "Dida, wait." Akhila finally spoke. Akanksha stopped and turned to her. "I like you Akanksha." She said. "Akanksha?" She got shocked. "Yeah, why? I shouldn't call you by that name? Chill dude! Nothing happened! I'm fine!" Akhila said, letting out a fake smile. Akanksha nodded, "hmm, now I understood. Skitty, let me tell you one thing. You are the first priority in my life. I love you more than me and Prince. I don't want to see you hurt and I want you to share everything with me. You used to tell me everything before. I know that you are hiding so much from me. You are getting mood off everyday. You are missing our madness. I think you knew this before, right?" Akanksha said. Akhila nodded and held her head down. "I knew it. You are escaping from things slowly. I am observing it and from our yesterday's chat, I knew that you don't want to talk to me anymore. I am telling the truth. I can't live without you and Prince. I love you skitty. Don't even try to escape from me and things. I hate to see you mood off everyday. I update everyday in wattpad. But you are not like that in real life. I know that you are getting scared of your in-laws. But you need to face them and ask them the real reason. They should realize that I didn't do anything. Skitty, without you, my life would have been useless. You've helped me and you were there with me when I needed an emotional support. But please, talk to them and make them realize that I didn't do anything. If you didn't do that, I should assume that you are also believing them and hating me. I know that you love them as parents. But, I am your sister babe, you need to talk to them. Please, this is my request to you." Akanksha joined her hands. Akhila nodded and went inside as a teardrop escaped her eye. "Prince!" Akanksha hugged Varun and cried.

Yay! Nisha is pregnant again! Yay! What do you think guys? Will things get normal again? Do Vasudev and Anuradha like Akanksha as they did before? Will Akhila talk to them? 

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