A l i v e [2]

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I had found that I had lived between the
unsaid words,
violent arguments,
the dense silence,
the light escaping my eyes and
joining the stars of the night sky,
I had lived between it for so l o n g
I had forgotten how it felt to be alive.
Until I held the beautiful
rose within my calloused palms.
The delicate petals withstood endless grazes,
from my toughened fingers that I was afraid would have painted skin with bruises.
The bright red fell upon my eyes like a liquified sunset painted with blood.
Lifting it to my nose,
I inhaled the strong scent - losing myself within the softness, the ultimate bitter of the thorns
that hooked onto the surface of my skin.
It made my eyes open wide
and for the first time I was taking in the smaller details, the small vein like lines
that ran jagged between the thin petals.
It reminded me of my own wrist,
the way the veins dangled beneath the thin surface,
bluish in hue.
Such a little thing brought me to life,
I felt the soft beating of my heart as I pressed a palm
to my chest.
Faint it was,
but a bold reminder that I was myself,
that I was human, that I was
a l i v e

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