my thug friend

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"Who are you here to see" the man asked.

"Keith Johnson" I said.

"Alright follow me" he said. He led us to a room. We sat down and waited. I sat Ella's car seat beside me. I saw my dad walk in and the officer uncuff him. He walked up to us and I jumped in his arms.

"Daddy I missed you so much" I said as tears.

"I missed you to baby girl" he said. I pulled away. We sat down.

"Daddy this is" I started.

"King" he said.

"No Sahale" I said.

"My street name is King baby" he said.

"Oh well how do y'all know each other on the street" I asked.

"Well he is my boss" Sahale said.

"Really daddy" I said.

"I'm sorry baby.But why are you with King. I didn't want you to stay in this life. I did my best to keep you away from this life. Then Wolf tried to take over and he went for my soft spot. He raped you and almost killed your mother. I didn't want that for you" he said.

"Well dad I appreciate that. I tried the non gang man but he didn't provide enough protection. Sahale provides the protection I need and want. Wolf's or whatever his name is father was after my baby" I said.

"I know and I handled it and who is this baby" he asked. I looked down at Ella to see her waking up. I picked her up.

"Dad this is Ella. Wolf's the father of Ella" I said.

"Can I hold her" He asked. I nodded and handed her over.

"You know I didn't kill him right" he said.

"Who" I asked.

"Wolf. I didn't kill Wolf. He lived and is here" he said looking over at another table. I looked and saw Wolf coming our way.

"Hello Boss. Hello Kayla. Is this my baby" he asked looking at Ella.

"It ain't none of yo business partner so go on with all that" Sahale said.

"King" Wolf said.

"How is Sky? My homebody said he had some of her the other day" Wolf said laughing.

"What the fuck you say about my daughter" Sahale yelled. Wolf laughed.

"You should bring my baby by more often. I get out next week" Wolf whispered in my ear and walked away.

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